Hello everyone:
I'm using ceph-10.1.1, when I write data to rbd image, I found that there
are many operations about omap.
Especially when I use small IO block size, e.g. 1K, to write 64MB data into
rbd image, the data of omap put though rocksdb can be almost 64MB, that is a
big write a
Hi All
I'm using ceph-10.1.1, when I open overlay write, some OSDs will down and out
when I use fio to test 4K IO write of rbd.The default option is below
:OPTION(bluestore_overlay_max, OPT_INT, 0)
I change the 0 to 512 to make data write that small than 64K processed by
overlay, then some OSD
der 22 (4096 kB objects)
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.5e3074b0dc51
format: 2
features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, deep-flatten
It looks like that some of the features are not supported by my rbd kernel
Because when I get rid of the last 4 features, and on
could mean that I need to upgrade kernel client up to 3.15 or disable
tunable 3 features.
Our cluster is not convenient to upgrade.
Could you tell me how to disable tunable 3 features?
Kind Regards,
Haitao Wang
At 2016-06-22 12:33:42, "Brad Hubbard" wrote:
>On Wed, Jun
Hi All
I'm using ceph-10.1.1 to map a rbd image ,but it dosen't work ,the error
messages are:root@heaven:~#rbd map rbd/myimage --id admin
2016-06-22 11:16:34.546623 7fc87ca53d80 -1 WARNING: the following dangerous and
experimental features are enabled: bluestore,rocksdb
2016-06-22 11:16:34.54716