Were there any changes to the EL6 yum packages at http://ceph.com/rpm/el6/x86_64/ ?

There are a number of files showing a modification date of '25-Apr-2014', but it seems that no one regenerated the repository metadata.

This breaks installations using the repository, you'll get errors like this:

http://ceph.com/rpm/el6/x86_64/libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=ceph clean metadata.

This is definitely an issue with the repository.  The metadata shows:

<package type="rpm">
    <version epoch="0" ver="0.72.2" rel="0.el6"/>
<checksum type="sha" pkgid="YES">4bdb7c99a120bb3e0de2b642e00c6e28fa75dbbe</checksum>
    <time file="1387606897" build="1387579747"/>
    <size package="17693625" installed="88652458" archive="88652888"/>
    <location href="libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64.rpm"/>

But, if we download that package and check the checksum, we get:

$ wget -q http://ceph.com/rpm/el6/x86_64/libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64.rpm
$ sha1sum libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64.rpm
4d9730c9dd6dad6cc1b08abc6a4ef5ae0e497aec libcephfs1-0.72.2-0.el6.x86_64.rpm

It's my understanding that you never want to make changes to an existing package, because any machine that's already installed it will not have the updates applied. You'd generally just increase the iteration number.
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