
I follow this link
to install my uBuntu cluster

I'm stopped at

*Install Ceph on All Nodes*This command crash my VM cause by lack of
*ceph-deploy install ceph-admin ceph-osd1 ceph-osd2 ceph-osd3 mon1*

I upgrade my VM config, but now I can't redo the command.


*[2017-03-23 05:08:19,898][ceph-admin][DEBUG ] Setting up ceph-common
(10.2.6-1xenial) ...[2017-03-23 05:08:19,915][ceph-admin][DEBUG ] Setting
system user ceph properties..usermod: user ceph is currently used by
process 1610[2017-03-23 05:08:19,918][ceph-admin][DEBUG ] dpkg: error
processing package ceph-common (--configure):[2017-03-23
05:08:19,919][ceph-admin][WARNING] No apport report written because the
error message indicates its a followup error from a previous
failure....[2017-03-23 05:08:20,301][ceph-admin][DEBUG ] Errors were
encountered while processing:[2017-03-23 05:08:20,302][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]
ceph-common[2017-03-23 05:08:20,302][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]
ceph-base[2017-03-23 05:08:20,303][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]  ceph-mds[2017-03-23
05:08:20,303][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]  ceph-mon[2017-03-23
05:08:20,303][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]  ceph-osd[2017-03-23
05:08:20,303][ceph-admin][DEBUG ]  radosgw[2017-03-23
05:08:22,220][ceph-admin][WARNING] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an
error code (1)[2017-03-23 05:08:22,220][ceph-admin][ERROR ] RuntimeError:
command returned non-zero exit status: 100[2017-03-23
05:08:22,221][ceph_deploy][ERROR ] RuntimeError: Failed to execute command:
env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical apt-get
--assume-yes -q --no-install-recommends install -o
Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew ceph-osd ceph-mds ceph-mon radosgw*
I try many ways to clean my install:

*sudo apt autoremovesudo apt-get install -fsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get
updgradeceph-deploy uninstall ceph-admin ceph-osd1 ceph-osd2 ceph-osd3
ceph-monceph-deploy purge ceph-admin ceph-osd1 ceph-osd2 ceph-osd3
ceph-monceph-deploy purgedata ceph-admin ceph-osd1 ceph-osd2 ceph-osd3

*...sudo dpkg --configure -asudo dpkg --purge --force-depends ceph-osd
ceph-mon radosgw  ceph-mds ceph-base ceph-common...sudo vi
I remove the cluster, redo the install, anyway, the *ceph-deploy* always

Can someone help me to solve my problem.


@JBD <http://jbigdata.fr>
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