
I am planning to make some changes to our ceph cluster and would like to ask 
the community of the best route to take. 

Our existing cluster is made of 3 osd servers (two of which are also mon 
servers) and the total of 3 mon servers. The cluster is currently running on 
Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS. Due to the historical testing, troubleshooting and cluster 
setup, the servers are not really uniformly done (software wise) and I would 
like to standardise as many things as possible. I am slowly migrating to 
Saltstack for infrastructure management and would like to manage my ceph 
cluster with Salt as well.My initial thoughts are to start with a clean Ubuntu 
16.04 server install, connect it to salt server and manage all software 
installs through salt. This will make sure that all servers would be pretty 
much standard in terms of software. 

My question is what is the best way to migrate the existing cluster without 
having downtime? Should I os wipe one of the osd servers (wipe the osd disk and 
not the osd/journal disks), install OS with salt and point ceph to the existing 
osds? After that, do the same with the second osd server and finally with the 
third one. 

Is ceph smart enough to figure out that the osds belong to an existing cluster 
and join the reinstalled osd server to the cluster? If this can be done, I 
assume this is the fastest way to achieve this. If not, what is the best route 
to take? 

Many thanks 

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