[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157603516747992/
my first time using flickr..
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
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Depends on the tea.. something like green or white tea, you don't want
boiling water.. you want about 170-180 and brews for about 3 minutes
(the higher temps or longer steep times will result in a bitter
tasting tea).
For Black tea (or herbal), you want boiling water for about 5 minutes.
On Dec 2
> Sean wrote:
> because a lot of middle-America is
> still terrifyingly racist :(
Yeah but they only vote if they think candidate X will bring God to
the pulpit. Bush has kinda burned that bridge and a lot of
evangelicals are disillusioned and staying home.
It used to be that you needed the Sout
> Todd wrote:
> I really don't think you will expect it to give you 3rd degree
> burns.
So the question is at what temperature are the service of food and
beverages be considered negligent?
I remember as a kid I would make Jeno's Pizza rolls according to the
manufacturer's directions and, if I po
> The studies you refer to are on adult cats, in which case I agree that
> declawing is not the right thing to do. It is painful and once a cat
> understands the uses of it's claws (scratching, fighting, etc..) it
> can cause behavioral issues.
I am not referring to any particular studies. I'd
> -Original Message-
> From: Matthew Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 11:44 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: problem with xp upgrade install
> We are having a problem running an XP upgrade install on one of our
> workstations. When setup starts, after se
On Dec 19, 2007 5:37 PM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was basically a one-issue voter in 2004. I'm not totally a one-issue voter
> now, though Iraq and Afghanistan remain the biggest issues for me.
Not the economy or education or crime? Shit, those are the things that
keep me awake -
On Dec 21, 2007 2:09 PM, Dave l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The studies you refer to are on adult cats, in which case I agree that
> declawing is not the right thing to do. It is painful and once a cat
> understands the uses of it's claws (scratching, fighting, etc..) it can cause
> behavioral
> -Original Message-
> From: Vivec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 2:32 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Asteroid may hit mars January 30th.
> l
> Isn't it about time that Earth has a
I suspect not :)
On Dec 21, 2007 4:18 PM, Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe people think the heat will keep the fat from congealing
> > in their arteries ;)
> I actually heard something about this. I don't know if there is anything to
> it.
> Maybe people think the heat will keep the fat from congealing
> in their arteries ;)
I actually heard something about this. I don't know if there is anything to
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important a
no you're not :)
On Dec 21, 2007 4:03 PM, morchella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> no biggie.
> not sure what it has on it other then a phone list and a intranet.
> nothing serious...
> sry about the thread jack
Adobe® Co
After today, it looks like you need to do that starting your second week.
-Original Message-
From: morchella [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 2:43 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Early XMas at my house
back ups..
o thats what the cf developer is supposed to do f
perhaps. I was taught boiling water.
On Dec 21, 2007 4:02 PM, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ick, tea should be made with water that is boiling hot as it is being
> > poured.
> I've heard that the best temp for tea is actually 170F.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis
> Presi
I don't really see the point of coffee that hot, personally, no,
though I have read that McD's product research shows that people buy
it more often when it is that hot. If you are sitting down and paying
Starbucks prices for a coffee or tea then the temperature at which the
water hits the beans or
no biggie.
not sure what it has on it other then a phone list and a intranet.
nothing serious...
sry about the thread jack
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
Get the Free Trial
> ick, tea should be made with water that is boiling hot as it is being
> poured.
I've heard that the best temp for tea is actually 170F.
Adam Phillip Churvis
Productivity Enhancement
Adobe® ColdFu
> However, my main point was that yes, coffee really is routinely served
> that hot. It may not be smart to hold it in your lap, but hey, neither
> is drinking it white driving and yes, I do this all the time, still.
But, WHY? You can't drink it that hot. If you are that into coffee that
you ha
beh. I don't drink coffee, so I wouldn't know what is good. I have gotten
a slight singing from hot chocolate before, though. I was fully aware of
the temp at the time, as I had stuck my finger into the liquid to test it.
I drank it at that temp anyway. It was my own fault, but it was worth
No offense, but who runs a server with RAID 0? That's just asking for a
whole lot of heartache.
On Dec 21, 2007 2:17 PM, Dr. Who wrote:
> i got a server with a raid zero
> 600mhz...
> 1 hdd failed today...
> also the corp site has crashed 2 times today.
> i am looking for a new job..
On Dec 21, 2007 3:42 PM, morchella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> back ups..
> o thats what the cf developer is supposed to do first week on the job..
> there are no back ups...
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the
back ups..
o thats what the cf developer is supposed to do first week on the job..
there are no back ups...
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
Get the Free Trial
> So please define negligent coffee temperature for coffee.
Coffee that is capable of causing 3rd degree burns within 2 to 7 seconds of
contact with the skin at the time it is served for consumption.
> Now shoot yourself in the head and then sue the gun manufacturer.
This is just stupid.
ick, tea should be made with water that is boiling hot as it is being
poured. Never in a microwave, god, that is almost as evil as instant
However, my main point was that yes, coffee really is routinely served
that hot. It may not be smart to hold it in your lap, but hey, neither
is drinki
$1.35 million a day in coffee sales and they have 700 burns over ten years?
Sounds like MOST people realize hot liquids burn
On Dec 21, 2007 2:10 PM, Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did any of you arguing for McDonalds read any of the reasoning behind the
> jury decision?
> Let me make it ea
i got a server with a raid zero
1 hdd failed today...
Replace failed drive
Restore from backup
-Original Message-
From: Dr. Who [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 2:17 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Early XMas at my house
i got a server with a rai
On Dec 21, 2007 2:25 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now shoot yourself in the head and then sue the gun manufacturer.
> You're going to rich! RICH I TELL YOU!
that's just ridiculous.
sue the bullet manufacturer. guns don't kill people. bullets do :)
"Scientists tell us that
I don't have a 'circle' that I am aware of. I also don't serve tea boiling.
I put the water in the mug, put the bag in and then heat the thing in the
microwave until the tea is hot, but not so hot that it will melt my tongue
and set my face on fire. I am fairly certain this is not an unreasona
> Todd wrote:
> Yeah, and I don't think people getting coffee at McDonalds are going for
> gourmet flavor, so all of this "optimum temperature and flavor" stuff really
> doesn't seem to apply.
So please define negligent coffee temperature for coffee.
Now please please define those establishment
actually it seems that in taste tests McD's actually comes out at or
near the top.
Also, I have had a serious burn from coffee -- not on my lap and not
McD's, but ya, second degree burns that took a month to heal from a
coffee that I had had a good ten minutes.
I had it propped on the dash while
> Todd wrote:
> McDonald's knowingly and willfully sold a dangerous product not fit for
> reasonable use.
So how about this: I get totally shit-faced and fall asleep on the ice
at the local rink. I get frost bite. Shall I sue? Was the rink
providing a product unsafe to use?
It seems that th
i got a server with a raid zero
1 hdd failed today...
also the corp site has crashed 2 times today.
i am looking for a new job..
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
"between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit [91-96 °C] for optimal extraction" and
consumed "immediately".
How does one "immediately" consume something that is 195-200 F?
> "For coffee to be 150 °F when imbibed..."
Apparently, the coffee was not 150 F when she spilled it in her lap.
"Other testimony s
"1. PLEASE don't declaw your cat without seriously trying everything else
first. It's cruel and inhumane and often leads to various behavior issues. You
didn't mention anything about this, but so many people do it without even
trying other options, thought I'd mention it. Particularly if you int
Did any of you arguing for McDonalds read any of the reasoning behind the
jury decision?
Let me make it easy for you and paste some stuff so you don't have to read
the whole thing.
"During discovery, McDonalds produced documents showing more than 700 claims
by people burned by its coffee betwe
> Ian wrote:
> I know it is so annoying -- just because the coffee was so hot (nearly
> boiling) that it melted the cup
As Sam pointed out, it couldn't have melted the cup. Further, I just
went to my local Caribou Coffee and bought a large Moosed Americano.
I also brought along my meat thermomet
Hope you have an extended warrantee :)
On Dec 21, 2007 1:23 PM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're going to the East Coast tomorrow, so we decided to open presents
> today. I got a black 160 GB iPod Classic, which shockingly is the first
> Apple product I have ever owned. I am loading
Serve coffee as soon after brewing as possible. Coffee loses flavor
and aroma quickly. If brewed coffee must be "held" on a direct heat
source, it should be held at 185°F, and for no longer than 20 minutes.
Higher temperatures cause coffee to break down
just rub it in my face :)
On 12/21/07, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're going to the East Coast tomorrow, so we decided to open presents
> today. I got a black 160 GB iPod Classic, which shockingly is the first
> Apple product I have ever owned. I am loading up my music collec
> Adam wrote:
> They gave her
> something well more dangerous than should be reasonably expected
How so? When I buy coffee I expect that it will be so hot as to burn
my mouth if I sipped it right away. I've never not gotten coffee that
way and I buy or make it daily.
I could see your argument
We're going to the East Coast tomorrow, so we decided to open presents
today. I got a black 160 GB iPod Classic, which shockingly is the first
Apple product I have ever owned. I am loading up my music collection as I
My daughter got a pink Sony portable DVD player, and my wife got weekly
Ah, I miss those cannons.
Is an 8 year old nephew too young to learn the beauty of complete
stupidity? I will need to ask my brother-in-law.
> On Dec 21, 2007 12:58 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's like my pending lawsuit against Pennn. I took the tennis balls
> > out of their
Don't put words in my mouth. I believe Ladder Guy is too stupid to
function, and that a ladder company shouldn't be liable for dangerous misuse
of a product.
But the woman wasn't handed that thing known familiarly as "coffee"; she was
handed something so far outside of the normal functioning of c
Lately I have been using Safari because it is fast and doesn't crash, while
FF 2 crashes 2-3 times a day. But Safari doesn't have the plugins that FF
has, and I use some of them heavily.
I just installed FF 3 and have been using it today. Looks great so far. Way
faster than FF 2, it is also taking
My brother and I use to take tennis balls, drill holes in them, and fill
them with caulking. Made great "baseballs"
-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 1:03 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Someone is trying to sue me
On Dec
If you've ever been to a Nightwish, or Epica or Therion concert, the vast
majority of the audience is male and in the IT industry, thus the name
Prog-Nerd.. it's such a difference than the metal shows in the 80's, when it
was long haired guys and girls in short skirts (ok, most of us grew up and
Beside better batteries, cheaper net metering (and sine wave
inverters) can allow you to "sell back" to the grid at a much lower
initial price point. And use the grid as a really big, and efficient,
Also, I think other types of energy storage are also going to be used.
Kinetic, compressed
On Dec 21, 2007 12:58 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's like my pending lawsuit against Pennn. I took the tennis balls
> out of their can, cut a small hole in the bottom about 1/4" from the
> base, filled the bottom up to that hole with lighter fluid, doused a
> tennis ball in light
> Dana wrote:
> not sure. Daughter may go alone. Situation is still developing. Thank
> you for the SAS suggestion
Have her make a few photocopies of her passport and keep them
somewhere safe. That way if she loses her passport it's pretty easy
to get another and/or use the copies to get out of
> Sam wrote:
> What about tea? Usually served boiling. Do people in your circle put
> tea between your legs before removing the lid?
Sam. In America if someone gets hurt it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
It's like my pending lawsuit against Pennn. I took the tennis balls
out of their can, cut
The bad news is that they are sold out for the next year. The good news is
that they have real money behind them so they can ramp up production which
is the key to their success. They're cheap enough that anyone can get them
and add them to their roofs to offset some of their electrical usage. Then
> Adam wrote:
> So... how many times have you been sued, and why?
Well, personally I've never been sued, but I always find myself
involved with lawyers for my job. For example, I spent this last
summer facilitating a $22M contract breech bogey. That was basically
3 months of lawyers debating c
I guess we run in different circles.
She was from Albuquerque, that explains a lot:)
What about tea? Usually served boiling. Do people in your circle put
tea between your legs before removing the lid?
On Dec 21, 2007 11:37 AM, Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And .. what did she do again? Hold
There used to be a direct flight from LAX to Dublin, but I don't know if
that operates anymore. Aer Lingus flies through San Francisco over the pole
direct to Dublin.
On Dec 20, 2007 9:53 PM, Dana wrote:
> not sure. Daughter may go alone. Situation is still developing. Thank
> you for the SAS su
um no. Santa Fe and Albuqerque are very different from say Rochester.
On Dec 21, 2007 11:21 AM, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, for me, considering my cherished family legacy of a neck that
> glows like Rudolf's nose, redneck is a term of endearment.
> What cracks me up more tha
How cool is this? They are shipping!
Nanosolar Ships First Panels
December 18, 2007
Posted by Martin Roscheisen, CEO
After five years of product development including aggressively
pipelined science, research and developmen
The problem is not McDonalds. It is the coffee drinkers.
Drink water. It is better for you.
-Original Message-
From: Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 11:47 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Someone is trying to sue me
Let me point this out in case you don'
They are working on it, have been for yearsunfortunately, I still don't
think they are exactly sure what they'd do..
On Dec 21, 2007 1:31 PM, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't it about time that Earth has
Let me point this out in case you don't read the article:
"McDonalds asserted that customers buy coffee on their way to work or
home, intending to consume it there. However, the companys own research
showed that customers intend to consume the coffee immediately while
- Original Mes
On Dec 21, 2007 11:31 AM, Vivec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't it about time that Earth has a definite response to a possible impact?
> Some sort of gameplan like...a spacecraft waiting in a hangar or
> something to
And .. what did she do again? Hold the cup between her knees and try to
remove the lid? If 80% of people out there denied they do this type of
thing, I would call 90% of them liars.
75% of these statistics were made up.
For your reading pleasure, whe:
Isn't it about time that Earth has a definite response to a possible impact?
Some sort of gameplan like...a spacecraft waiting in a hangar or
something to fly out and
deflect the potential object etc. should it be heading to
On Dec 21, 2007 11:18 AM, Adam Churvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victim of "evil McDonald's?" I don't think that was in her suit, was it?
I think that's what Ian is implying.
> I would say she's the victim of every unreasonable act that led to the
> incident. Calibrate the coffee machine or
Ok I am the master of winblows re-installs!!
One thing I did learn was not to use the "update files via internet option" as
they apparently can't keep up with their own systems.
Just install it from the disk and then do the zillion gb's of updates.
Also are you doing an "update" or clean instal
Language changes - it's a dynamic thing. It goes the other way, too.
Hysterical was seen as particularly derogatory to women at one point,
when it was an actual medical diagnosis. But, now it's considered a
generic term with little connection to its root. Go figure. Some day
the "correct and accept
Victim of "evil McDonald's?" I don't think that was in her suit, was it?
I would say she's the victim of every unreasonable act that led to the
incident. Calibrate the coffee machine or get one that tempers its boiling
water to around 170F before brewing and holds it at a reasonably drinkable
prog nerd? New term to me. I'm a fan of whatever music 'moves' me. This is
usually metal (mostly ballads) but over the hills has good lyrics and some
fantastic instrumental pickups. the first one at 21 seconds is a nice jump
from her initial lyrics. The second at 2:13, especially the twist at 2:28
He said near boiling water melted it.
I know Styrofoam cups get softer when filled with hot liquid but it
doesn't melt.
I also agree if they gave her the initial $20k she asked for it
wouldn't have been news and they would have saved a few hundred
But to claim she's a victim of the evil
Just as much as you are apparently defending a company that previously
settled over 700 similar cases out of court for up to $300,000 got
burned by the one they tried to strong arm with an offer of $800.
Espically since her first offer was just for them to cover the medical
expenses totaling s
I know the question wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to give my take on
I don't defend the person for bringing the suit, but I defend the grounds of
the suit and the decision of the court. I wouldn't have brought such a suit
because I would have been embarrassed beyond belief.
Materials d
Are you really defending a person that put a Styrofoam cup of hot
coffee between her legs, while in a car, and takes off the lid?
By the way, Styrofoam melts at 464 deg f. How did McD's get water that hot?
On Dec 21, 2007 9:23 AM, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "if you can sue for hot
I didn't know you were a prog-nerd
Tarja's hot, what do you think of their new singer?
Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
4405 Oakshyre Way
Raleigh, NC. 27616
(919) 874-6229 (home)
(703) 220-2835 (cell)
-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT
A. I was hoping you meant Jared, the Butcher of Songs.
My Birdhouse Baby is still the best song ever.
On Dec 21, 2007 1:03 PM, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was watching a great video by Nightwish and all of a sudden Jared seemed
> to have popped up playing guitar.
> Ok, it
Well, for me, considering my cherished family legacy of a neck that
glows like Rudolf's nose, redneck is a term of endearment.
What cracks me up more than anything is that people keep insisting
that "east coast, midwest, south" make a difference in outlook and
political makeup.
I disagree. The bi
Many cases are thrown out on a simple request, or a document generated from
legal forms software. Dismissals rarely require "research" because of the
obvious nature of the suit that was filed.
And please don't confuse strategy and tactics with the viability of a case.
The two have little to do wi
Funny how the term "retarded", an actual appropriate term in use until
recently, causes people to have fits but the word "redneck", an actual
derogatory term, is socially acceptable. I guess it's a matter of who it's
ok to insult.
- Matt
- Original Message -
From: "Sam" <[EMAIL PR
I was watching a great video by Nightwish and all of a sudden Jared seemed
to have popped up playing guitar.
Ok, it wasn't Jared but there was a close resemblance. The video was "Over
the Hills and Far Away", covered by Nightwish and the first scene is at
about 25 seconds
Developmentally delayed is only acceptable until someone uses it in a
deragatory way.
I think a few on this list are developmentaly delayed.
There, no longer PC. :)
Mental retardation is a term for a pattern of persistently slow
learning of basic m
I think the PC term these days is developmentally delayed. Or
cognitively disabled (depending on actual diagnosis). I've also heard
cognitively/developmentally challenged. We usually just refer to our
son as "delayed" at this point, since there's still no definitive
determination as to whether or n
"if you can sue for hot coffee in the lap and win then why not?"
I know it is so annoying -- just because the coffee was so hot (nearly boiling)
that it melted the cup and caused 2nd and 3rd degrees burns of the thighs and
genitals requiring surgery. Combined with the fact that the company had
When I went to Ireland, yes, I had to go through customs and my
passport was checked. WE did manage to get back out of Ireland without
one, since my husband lost his while we there. They threatened us with
large fines, but in the end he just had to sign some paperwork and I
had to vouch for him.
> Adam wrote:
> The threat is only effective against people uninformed enough to forego
> competent legal counsel and attempt to navigate legal waters themselves.
Well, not sure how many of these you've been though, but I've been
through a bunch, with facts about exactly the same, and that's one
We are having a problem running an XP upgrade install on one of our
workstations. When setup starts, after selecting to update setup files via the
internet, setup says that it cannot find a specified file. The file not found
changes each time, so I don't think it is the disk. A google and mic
The threat is only effective against people uninformed enough to forego
competent legal counsel and attempt to navigate legal waters themselves.
One quick telephone conversation with your attorney would completely
eliminate the threat. He would tell you that if such a suit were even
There's got to be some ironic justice about that ... (given the
colonization thing)
Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) probably will not name the preferred bidder
for its Jaguar and Land Rover units until early in January, two people
briefed on the negotiations said. The Associated Press also reported
Crow T. Robot wrote:
> yea, i just realized that it was as old as the interwebs itself.
> still really funny. i like when the guy throws his gun down. dumbass.
I think the funnest part to me is the buddy (I presume) with the camera
whom apparently thought to himself, "I will just stand he
> RoMunn wrote:
> Dana, I am 99% sure you would not be able to even board a plane for Europe
> from within the U.S. without a passport.
Yup, I'm a 100% sure unless you somehow get around security. The
"slack" that US citizens are given is that we don't need a *visa*.
For example, let's say that
hehe that is great. Proving, yet again, if it weren't for our brains, we
humans would be SOL in the animal world.
Almost as good .. If that one guy hadn't gotten that shot off right at the
last second, there would probably be at least one dead hunter.
You have to respect the cameraman.
Never lost focus or frame, even though he must have been peeing
himself laughing!
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
Get the Free Trial
> Adam wrote:
> If, however, that third party persuaded you to not honor the terms of our
> agreement, that might be considered tortious interference.
Now that makes some sense. However I would still add that even if we
agree, it's the threat that counts which is why I probably see it all
of th
i think it's a crossbow isn't it?
On Dec 21, 2007 9:38 AM, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yea, i just realized that it was as old as the interwebs itself.
> still really funny. i like when the guy throws his gun down. dumbass.
> On Dec 21, 2007 9:32 AM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED
yea, i just realized that it was as old as the interwebs itself.
still really funny. i like when the guy throws his gun down. dumbass.
On Dec 21, 2007 9:32 AM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bwahah, oh man, I hadn't seen that video in years..i love it.
> On Dec 21, 2007 9:28 AM, Cr
bwahah, oh man, I hadn't seen that video in years..i love it.
On Dec 21, 2007 9:28 AM, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This deer is one bd mutha..shut yo mouth!
Huh...i watch ESPN all the time, and frankly I have no idea what you are
talking about? Maybe you should stick with the SportsCenter's...which
only have small segments dedicated to the line (with Hammerin' Hank).
Oh, and Boomer's 2 minute drill picks are always based on the line as well.
On D
This deer is one bd mutha..shut yo mouth!
Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to
Get the Free Trial;16
They haven't been doing it for years. Just about a week and a half. In
the past they have mentioned it, but it hasn't been the focus of every
single talking head on the entire channel.
I am not kidding. In the last 7 days, of about 3-7 hours per day (it
is on in the background while I work), not o
Our Secret Santa here in Kansas City died last yearbut his legacy will
live on. Here's your yearly "feel good" story bout Kansas City's NEW Secret
Good stuff.
The leader of the band is tired
and his eyes are growing old.
why? you got an inside tip that i don't know about? huh? watchoo got?
On Dec 21, 2007 8:47 AM, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When did ESPN start baldly promoting "the spread". I haven't heard an
> actual "win loss" prediction in an entire week.
> They only talk about "covering t
They've been doing this for years...
Why does it annoy you?
On Dec 21, 2007 8:47 AM, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When did ESPN start baldly promoting "the spread". I haven't heard an
> actual "win loss" prediction in an entire week.
> They only talk about "covering the spread",
nice, i took st louis + under last night.
and the game goes hokey and goes over and pitt covers.
On 12/21/07, Crow T. Robot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You should give in and bet. It's much easier than fighting it. :)
> On Dec 21, 2007 8:47 AM, Jerry Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
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