I doubt your using the old eight digit cftoken meaning it's not a bigint.
On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 3:54 AM, Matthew Smith wrote:
>> Still erroring out. I bring shame to my people.
> Error Executing Database Query.
> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Incorrect syntax near
"WHEN it comes to dealing with the worldâs climate and energy challenges I
have a simple rule: change America, change the world."
I totally agree with that sentiment as well. There is no other country that
>Anyone know of one? All the ones I tried are one file at a time ... Tanks!
I don't do much with ftp on my iPhone, but this got pretty good ratings:
When I have to work on a site and I only have my iPhone or iPad with me,
Here are the cliffs of Torrey Pines north of San Diego . These men release
their hawks, and then soar with them. way cool.
Have you tried changing the cfquery tags to cfoutput and dumping the query
itself to see what is actually being generated? You can also take the
output and paste it into a SQL window to run it there. Sometimes you'll get
better error information that way.
-Original Messag
Thanks, but it is a single key. You rock.
> On Jun 7, 2014, at 22:57, Cameron Childress wrote:
>> On Jun 7, 2014, at 9:54 PM, Matthew Smith wrote:
>> tablePK= > cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.personKeyList#">
> If personkeylist is a list of IDs and not a sin