You hit the nail on the head.
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Jerry Johnson wrote:
> Exactly.
> With that track record, maybe he could be Governor of Alaska next?
> No, but denying, obfuscating, lying, and blaming the victim seems the norm
> for this Church. Seeing one fairly high level
With that track record, maybe he could be Governor of Alaska next?
No, but denying, obfuscating, lying, and blaming the victim seems the norm
for this Church. Seeing one fairly high level official admit his abuse, and
resign, is more in line with the image they try to portray.
On Fri,
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jerry Johnson wrote:
> This is how a man-of-God should handle his business.
By having sex with kids then quitting his job?
Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they w
Although the guy is an admitted gay pedophile, and it comes a little late, I
have to respect him a little for stepping up and stepping down.
This is how a man-of-God should handle his business.
Belgian bishop quits over