I don't know how many of you are on CF-Jobs, but I found this post rather
interesting and I wanted to pass it along in here, in case any of you were
looking for contract work and you weren't on the CF-Jobs list..

(with a *K*)

"Here we are in this wholly fantastic universe with scarcely a clue as to
whether our existence has any real significance." - Sir Fred Hoyle

-----Original Message-----
From: Palyne Gaenir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:53 PM
To: CF-Jobs
Subject: Job: Piece Work (from anywhere)

I'm new to the list but still haven't seen any message go by, so am
not sure if there's a set format for this; I apologize in advance if
I'm not doing this correctly.

I'm a project manager that farms out occasional small piece work to
contractors in coldfusion, perl, sql, java, javascript, html/css/data
entry, beta testing, graphic design.  Most include a request for
documentation and/or training of me or other contractors in process.
I have contractors in the USA and in other countries; I don't care
about location of a contractor or hours worked.  All jobs require
that I get original and build files that I or others can edit in the
future if needed (nothing encrypted or final-form-only).

ScienceHorizon Web Media USA FEIN 73-1605703. Payment: on receipt
(large projects may have $ up front) via check or MO, paypal, bank
wire (contractor pays my bank fee, $10-$30 US), postal money order,
contractor choice. I pay by piece, very seldom by hour except for
troubleshooting or SQL/logic assistance. I'm nearly always in a hurry
for what I need so schedules can be tough. I offer a fixed rate,
refuse/accept (negotiation ok) only when I myself know the work well
or the contractor well; in the below cases I ask for quotes from
qualified persons interested, with link to and/or attached
resume/portfolio (OFFlist I assume).

Current pieces I need contractors for:

1. CF BBS (basic): Setup of a single coldfusion web message board on
a single domain, and education of a contractor assigned to that
client on how this is done from scratch and managed. debugged
software fairly ready for setup exists for d/l from cfforums.com.
Would prefer someone who's done this before.

2.  CF BBS (complex): Setup a board with many categories that will
display a given one depending on session value, for a university
online course that has a BBS (or category) generated for every
instructor registration, each board is private (only accessible by
members assigned to that course).  The system could end up with ~200
BBS's that would accept sent session values if they're needed, access
existing info from user table if needed, track read/unread messages
per user, and allow outer query so a member personal home page can
tell them if there are new messages on their board.  This software
exists debugged and ready for setup at cfforums.com but I haven't
time to figure it out or see if it's adaptable for such a multiple-
category/ board need; I need someone already experienced in setting
up this particular software to help me w/info on will it work, setup
of the project, and basic documentation/training of myself and/or a
client contractor.

3.  Perl/cgi/sql/CF.  I have an ecommerce site using Signio and
Verisign as gateway and payment processing. Registration for the
membership site is currently in CFML to the point of payment at which
point it shifts to Verisign then sends some values back to CF.  Such
was setup by a Perl/CGI person and there may be something in those
scripts involved (I don't know).  A large text file has "PIN" numbers
publishers assign, which have varying $-values assigned (some are
free), which has to tie into this registration process (but this can
be done on the CF end by me).  (As a sub-item I need help importing
the PIN text file into an SQL-Server 7 db as I can't remember how to
do it and don't have time to re-figure it out).  I have login info
for Verisign but am not personally familiar with the process, detail
settings, etc.  I need someone experienced with e-commerce and
possibly Verisign to go into existing setup, document for me, and be
ready to document changes I need to make for an upcoming change in
location of domain server.  Need this person to train assigned client
contractor in the process/logic of this ecommerce setup/function.

4.  CGI/java.  I have a CFML site with a java application which is a
primary site feature; content of the site contains many hard links to
various cgi files/paths for its function. There is documentation
w/the java and comm with the programmer if needed. I need someone to
figure out and document the files/paths/values needing changing when
the server moves, which it's going to shortly, and to copy this
system to my devel server so I can test and make sure we've covered
the bases and it works before I make the move.

5.  Creative Java.  I've an edu site which uses hundreds of java
applets to demonstrate statistics.  A creative java programmer
willing to look at what we've got and some basic specs and then be on
call for an occasional applet need to match content (we supply a
layman's description of what it would do and a statistician's
explanation of the math functions) would be very handy to me.  A good
sense of design and whimsy (not corny but entertaining) helps.  Right
now we're relying on stats professors who do java to make up their
own but I'd like to have a java person around who could be on call
for other profs who don't program.  Also - I don't know if .class
files are editable by other than the author but if so it'd be nice if
this person could work on minor mods requested by publisher to
existing applets.  This one would likely be a small but ongoing
project.  Client looking for more 'animation' where possible fyi.

6.  Creative Flash.  I personally have been dreaming about ColdFusion
and Flash combined with an SQL backend for years and am delighted the
industry is moving that way.  I would like to come up with a couple
of small demos to show clients to push the idea of their using this.
Would like some creative help, someone who knows javascript, CF, and
flash scripting/use/design.  As another idea if there's a flash/java
person who thinks some java applets done for stats (as mentioned
above) could be done using flash/java, flash/javascript, flash/sql,
I'm interested in that and would be willing to fund a smell demo or
two for client proposals.

7.  Graphic design.  I have an upcoming site redesign (cfml) that I
don't have time for.  I only need a front page concept and graphic
build file; I'll take it from there. (Your design credit/link will be
on the site.)  Need something like deep purple starry cosmos (client
likes) yet the client content is very science/research oriented so it
can't be too campy either (all inner page content will be on near-
white). Some nice creative work w/simple javascripting/css rolls is
what I have in mind.

8.  CFML/SQL troubleshooting/mentoring.  I do a lot of CF myself but
am only semi-intermediate and am too busy with project mgmt to be
doing so much code.  I need a reasonably advanced (creative) CFML
person that I can ask to help me sanity-check or build logic, help
w/problems, etc.  Much of my stuff is based on however the client
wants it to work and not on what necessarily is the most obvious
coding route usually used, so often creativity and good conceptual
understanding is needed more than just someone who's memorized the
typical book processes/approaches.  I don't usually have big needs
for time in this area.  Generally I want someone I can send code or a
page or ask a question, who will usually be able to give me response
within 8 hours (most Q's don't need that turnaround time but I need
someone I can reach soon if I'm occasionally desperate); I'd like it
to be something where, they help me when I need it and send back
their time for that item, in 15 minute increments (as most my
questions will likely take less than that and I can't pay hour-
minimum type rates), and weekly (if there was work) send me billing
for that period.

Any persons qualified for and interested in the above projects should
be good communicators and very responsible.  Please send skillset,
resume, item of your interest and a simple preliminary bid to me

ScienceHorizon Web Media

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