Okay, with all this talk of frozen things, I thought I'd relate about the
time I finally learned to /always/ wear gloves in the Minnesota winter.

My GF and I were going for a trip in her car, so I was checking the fluid
levels.  When I was done, I reached up and grabbed the hood to shut it.  As
it slammed down, my fingers and part of my palms on both hands froze to it
and I ripped a thin layer of skin off.  No blood, but they were bright red
and hurt like insert your favorite rude phrase here.

After that, I always carried gloves with me in winter.  In fact, even though
I'm back in the South, now, I almost always have gloves with me if it even
/threatens/ to be cold.

Kinda reminds me of Kofi Anon's earmuff story, but I figure you guys (being
the political hounds you are) already know that one.

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

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