It's me.


Just got into the office..well..a little while ago.
Have a bitchy client who wants everything done for their project today,
because their head office suddenly decided that the project is taking
too long.
*smirk* looks like its gonna be a fun filled week heh heh.

Back to those weeks past where I am working till freaking 10 in the
night, and then going out to party.
Difference is that this week there is a big Trade Show going on, so the
people that would normally be in the office next door that I would talk
to etc. while working late won't be there! 


*looks around*

I'll be here....all.....alone....

OH! OH! 
And I have a new staff member now. Hired a web guy, who seems to think
he is the best goshdarned Flash developer on the face of the planet

Talk about a chip on his shoulder! 

It is surely going to be a challenge to manage this dude. 
I'm sure you'll hear more about the situation as time goes by  ;-)

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