The Onion's take on midterm election bloodbath. Part satire, part
apocalypse porn. Most amusing part of it, for me, is that the last
remaining politician is none other than Peter Defazio, who represents
my old district out of Eugene, Oregon. Peter really is one of a kind.
Not only does he represent a district that combines some of the most
conservative and liberal parts of Oregon, he has a long standing sense
of humor and a stubborn decency and attitude about everything. Every
year that Eugene Celebration, we elect a Slug Queen (who is almost
always someone in drag) and have a big ol' parade. Pete volunteers
every year to be the very end of the parade, dressed up in a mechanics
suit and cleaning up with a push broom. He still drives a 72 Dodge
Dart and rocks a round little head and wicked mustache. He is wee and
adorable and a consistent fighter for the rights of every day people.,18384/

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