So my Cousin is getting hitched. wife wants to make a big deal out of it since it is our wedding anniversary as well. she already "confessed" to buying a hotty vera wang dress....... so i am trying to get the planning underway. any help/advice as always would be sweet!
Croatian Church of St *Cyril* & Methodius<,+NY+10036&sll=40.760099,-73.99249&sspn=0.042193,0.079651&ie=UTF8&latlng=40759028,-73996102,8268973310675008386&ei=_mibRon8GaC8iwHxv4mDAQ&cd=1><,+NY+10036&sll=40.760099,-73.99249&sspn=0.042193,0.079651&ie=UTF8&latlng=40759028,-73996102,8268973310675008386&ei=_mibRon8GaC8iwHxv4mDAQ&cd=1> 502 W 41st St, New York, NY,+NY+10036 The Reception is here: La *Fortuna*<,+NJ+07022&ie=UTF8&latlng=40817040,-73999300,6580529978459592178&ei=s2mbRq3PLZH8iQHUhKnHCA&cd=1> <,+NJ+07022&ie=UTF8&latlng=40817040,-73999300,6580529978459592178&ei=s2mbRq3PLZH8iQHUhKnHCA&cd=1> 430 Kamena St, Fairview, NJ,+NJ+07022 i need to know what airport i should fly into & any good hotels on the Westside of Manhattan. i know JFK is one airport. i forget the name of the other. would it be wiser to stay in jersey near reception, or tool back to the city? thanks guys -paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion 8 beta â Build next generation applications today. Free beta download on Labs Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: