You could try creating the database (or modify) as SQL 2000
compatible; it's in Options, Compatibility Level = SQL Server 2000
EXEC dbo.sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname=N'DBName', @new_cmptlevel=80
I'm not positive how that would affect the backup files, though
- David
On Dec 11, 2007 1:40 PM, Scott
ycott Sys-Con
-Original Message-
From: Chesty Puller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:35 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: MS SQL Server Express 2005 edition.
Try backing it up and restoring
Actually, no.
I found that you cannot automatically create a 2000 compatible Backup file.
There is a complicated workaround that involves outputting to SQL
Statements with the 2000 Compatibility option checked,
and then running those statements on the 2000 server.
I ran into the problem trying t
Try backing it up and restoring it to 2000.
What's your goal here? We have 2005 express that is free downlaod.
- Matt
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community"
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:53 AM
Subject: MS
Hey guys,
I just got a quick job in SQL Server 2000.
Can you "dumb down" an Express 2005 back up to 2000.
If not, is there anywhere that Express 2000 is still available?
Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
4405 Oakshyre Way
Raleigh, NC. 27616