Then who's da wifey? hehehehehe

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:mdinowit@;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 2:13 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Robotic assassinations.

> US gives money to Arabs for oil. A LOT of it.
> US gives weapons to Israel. A LOT of it.
US gives weapons to Egypt. A LOT of it.
US gives money to Egypt. A LOT of it.
Egypt is supposed to be at peace with Israel. Egypt has had 2 major troop
exercises in the last month in the Sinai where they 'played' out an attack
on an enemy with no name directly to the east of them. So much for peace.

> Because the Arabs are in conflict with Israel, they spend that money on
> weapons to keep up with Israel's arsenal.
Rather than paying for food, clothing, education and everything else that
their people actually need. In truth, the Arab arsenal is more than equal to
Israel's. There was a nice report about it in the NYTimes (not the most
Israel favoring paper in existance). It has nothing to do with 'keeping up'.
It has to do with getting ready to remove Israel from the map.

> If Israel and the Arabs were at peace with each other, setting their small
> issues aside and becoming one people - Israel wouldn't need that many
> weapons to defend itself, and there wouldn't be such a need for the arabs
> purchase so many weapons.
Hm. So when Israel was willing to live in peace and was invaded in 48, it
was their fault? When they offered land and all to the Palestinians with
Oslo and the Palestinians turned around and started this new fighting, it
was Israel's fault? (Arafat's aids have may times stated that the current
fighting was planned). Israel has gone out of its way time and again to give
peace a chance. The result, attacks again and again. They even left Lebanon
to a UN approved border. The result, attacks and kidnappings over that
border (without a single UN peep).
Your "lets just be one people and get along" totally fails in the face of
this. What of all the Jewish communities in Arab countries that were totally
obliterated when Israel was created? Communities that went back literally
thousands of years. Where was the live and let live there?
Dreams are nice, but the reality of the situation is a LOT different.

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