Re: Movie Preview - In Time

2011-08-03 Thread Larry Lyons
>On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Cameron Childress wrote: > >> The preview shows someone who is over 100 years old but looks like >> he's in his 20's. >> > >exactly, because if you looked over 25 when you were 100 then they would >know you had a load of time on your hands hahaha. Sounds like an o

Re: Movie Preview - In Time

2011-08-03 Thread Casey Dougall
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Cameron Childress wrote: > The preview shows someone who is over 100 years old but looks like > he's in his 20's. > exactly, because if you looked over 25 when you were 100 then they would know you had a load of time on your hands hahaha. ~~~

Re: Movie Preview - In Time

2011-08-03 Thread Cameron Childress
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 8:21 PM, morchella wrote: > logans run was remade? i am getting sick of this. > I saw Logan's Run so long ago that I don't remember it all, but I don't think it is really anything close to the same idea except for the premise that age restrictions are used to control overp

Re: Movie Preview - In Time

2011-08-02 Thread morchella
logans run was remade? i am getting sick of this. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Movie Preview - In Time

2011-08-02 Thread Cameron Childress
Very interesting looking, and time as currency is an interesting concept... -Cameron -- Cameron Childress -- p: 678.637.5072 im: cameroncf facebook | twitter | google+