- Original Message - From: "John Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:48 AMSubject: RE: My target of the day> ooops, I meant crackmy bad>> -Original Message-> From:
AMSubject: RE: My target of the day> ooops, I meant crackmy bad>> -Original Message-> From: John Stanley> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:47 AM> To: CF-Community> Subject: RE: My target of the day>>> corrupt your soul, destroy your dreams and lea
TED]> Sent: 23 September 2003 22:18> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day>>> We'll talk about what real women do a bit later. ;)>> >> _ [ Todays Threads _ [ Todays Threads
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Reynolds wrote:>Swallow?>>*ducks*> -Original Message-> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: 23 September 2003 22:18> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day>>> We'll talk about what real women do a bit later
Clean up after men?*runs*Adam Reynolds wrote:>Swallow?>>*ducks*> -Original Message-> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: 23 September 2003 22:18> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day>>> We'll tal
Swallow?*ducks* -Original Message- From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 23 September 2003 22:18 To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day We'll talk about what real women do a bit later. ;)
[Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscri
We'll talk about what real women do a bit later. ;)> Thank G*d I'm not a man.> > -Original Message-> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:56 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day
Yeah..just WTF is that about!!??? Is he trying to kill people? -Gel-Original Message-From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:33 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the dayYeah, me too. I checked the Pope's flash site to see if Mike was on the
mmunity" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:23 PMSubject: Re: My target of the day> Oh my gosh. I am in awe.>> - Jim>> Haggerty, Mike wrote:>> >You'd think someone with so strong a java bias would be on Sun's> >payroll. I can tel
eel free to send 1000s of messages to his email account and to>let him know we don't appreciate him trying to force his pig-headed,>hate filled beliefs about race and gender on us.> >M>> -----Original Message-----> From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: T
Thank G*d I am not a REAL man! -Original Message- From: Sandy Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:08 PM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: My target of the day Thank G*d I'm not a man. -Original Message- From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[
Wow, and "Thunderbird" is such a manly name, too...- Jimjon hall wrote:>Quite true, but really real men put two dashes on the line before>their sig like they are supposed to, because they read RFC's like all>real men do, so that the other real men, with their manly email>clients will automatically
Real men don't use email clients. They read the raw binary code. -Original Message-From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:05 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the dayQuite true, but really real men put two dashes on the line beforetheir sig li
liefs about race and gender on us. M -Original Message- From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:43 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day Oh ho ho, grasshopper, you're mistaking writing *real* Java withthose annoying ripple effect
Thank G*d I'm not a man.-Original Message-From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:56 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the dayReal men trim their posts.> Gatorate? Ha! Real men drink> > Oh, nevermind.
[Todays Threads] [
Quite true, but really real men put two dashes on the line beforetheir sig like they are supposed to, because they read RFC's like allreal men do, so that the other real men, with their manly emailclients will automatically trim posts for them. --^^ manly dashes jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tuesday,
Real men trim their posts.> Gatorate? Ha! Real men drink> > Oh, nevermind.
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rom: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:33 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day> > > Horse! Ha! Real men ride bulls.> > - Jim> > Haggerty, Mike wrote:> > >Yeah, I forgot to mention:> > >
o slow or vapid to understand>Perl. I believe they teach Python and lisp in the special technical>education classes in public schools nowadays.> >M>> -Original Message-> From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:22 PM> To:
o: CF-Community>Subject: Re: My target of the day>>>Horse! Ha! Real men ride bulls.>>- Jim>>Haggerty, Mike wrote:>> >>>Yeah, I forgot to mention:>>>>Apples are what I feed my horse when I'm not doing real work on my PC.>>>>M>
t; >M> >> > -Original Message-> > From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:21 PM> > To: CF-Community> > Subject: Re: My target of the day> >> >> > It'll never work.
t: Re: My target of the day Horse! Ha! Real men ride bulls. - Jim Haggerty, Mike wrote: >Yeah, I forgot to mention: > >Apples are what I feed my horse when I'm not doing real work onmy PC. > >M > > -Original Message- > From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
:>Yeah, I forgot to mention:> >Apples are what I feed my horse when I'm not doing real work on my PC.> >M>> -Original Message-> From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:21 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of
, 2003 3:21 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day> > > It'll never work. I'm a Mac guy, and you're a PC a$$h0le.> > :-)> > --BenD> > Haggerty, Mike wrote:> > > Ben -> > > > Your words moved me.> > >
That's alright, I'm already so taken with myself I have no time foranyone else. M -Original Message- From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:26 PM To: CF-Community Subject: RE: My target of the day If I didn't like girls so much,
andPerl. I believe they teach Python and lisp in the special technicaleducation classes in public schools nowadays. M -Original Message- From: Jim Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:22 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day Wuss. Real men
You need to take that over to the CF-SEX list.- Matt Small - Original Message - From: Haggerty, Mike To: CF-Community Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:08 PM Subject: RE: My target of the day Ben - Your words moved me. Let's flirt. M -Original Message- From
TED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:29 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the day> Really? When you called that guy an idiot, I thought you were being> playful.After what he did on that list, I thought idiot was an understatment.I've beenout of work for over a year. Others
+5 Hilarious!Drive Roman style stop 2 SUV's indeed! lol-- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 2:52:09 PM, you wrote:HM> Go on... you know you want to and you know you can come up withHM> something...HM> I like to use pound signs in my cfset and cfparam statements...HM> I still
Yeah, I forgot to mention: Apples are what I feed my horse when I'm not doing real work on my PC. M -Original Message- From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:21 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day It'll never work. I
o:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:06 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day> > > I'll bet you really write all your apps in perl too.> > -Kevin> > - Original Message - > From: "Haggerty, Mike" <[EMA
y, and it would really liven things up on> discussion boards.> >> > I will offer myself to be the first CF-Community TOD. Go> ahead, but I> > get to choose the next target...> >> > M> >> > -Original Message-> > From: Michael Dinowitz [
ot; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:52 PM> Subject: RE: My target of the day> > > > Go on... you know you want to and you know you can come up with> > something...> >> > I like to use pound signs in my cfset and cfparam statem
Ben - Your words moved me. Let's flirt. M -Original Message- From: Ben Doom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:06 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day Ok, I'm pissed and you don't get to be target of the day. This list is
Perl is what real men use to code when ASP.NET is not an option. M -Original Message- From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:06 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: My target of the day I'll bet you really write all your apps in perl too. -
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:11 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: My target of the day> > > Am I pissed with terrorists today? No. Am I pissed with thieves,> murderers orbad drivers today? No. I'm pissed with schmucks like> this who abuse a listdesigned for peopl
I'll bet you really write all your apps in perl too.-Kevin- Original Message - From: "Haggerty, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:52 PMSubject: RE: My target of the day> Go on... you kn
1 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of the day>> I'm list admin. That makes me target of the day every day. :)>> > Oh oh. I regularly paint a big "kick me" with my posts. I hope Pres Todd> has> > run out of nukes.> >> > -Kevi
rs, and sometimes smoke> Titanolo cigars in the office right after you took your asthma> medication...>> M>> -Original Message-> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:29 PM> To: CF-Community> Subject: Re: My target of
gotta love the line breaks ;) --Introducing Shape Up! - a new personalized weight management plan -inspired by Dr. Phil McGraw. --Bill WheatleySenior Database DevelopereDiets.com, Inc.(OTCBB: EDET)3801 W. Hillsboro Blvd.Deerfield Beach, FL 33442V: (954) 360-9022 ext. 159F: (954) 360-9095E: [EMAI
I'm redoing the plain text option to make it more visible to people and toexplain why they should stick to the HTML version of the list. Should be upsoon.> I remember seeing something about being able to change back to the plain> text format. is that still an option?>> Also, I need to go through th
I remember seeing something about being able to change back to the plaintext format
is that still an option?Also, I need to go through the archives for the CF-Jobs list
forgot aboutit as a resource.Until Later!Hatton-Original Message-From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: T
, and sometimes smokeTitanolo cigars in the office right after you took your asthmamedication...M-Original Message-From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:29 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the day> Really? When you called that guy an id
Nap Time? Rick -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:41 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: Re: My target of the day I'm list admin. That makes me target of the day every day. :)> Oh oh. I regularly paint a big "kic
t;M>>-Original Message->From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:11 PM>To: CF-Community>Subject: My target of the day>>>Am I pissed with terrorists today? No. Am I pissed with thieves,>murderers orbad drivers today? N
I'm list admin. That makes me target of the day every day. :)> Oh oh. I regularly paint a big "kick me" with my posts. I hope Pres Todd has> run out of nukes.> > -Kevin
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Oh oh. I regularly paint a big "kick me" with my posts. I hope Pres Todd hasrun out of nukes.-Kevin- Original Message - From: "Haggerty, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 1:19 PMSubje
> Really? When you called that guy an idiot, I thought you were being> playful.After what he did on that list, I thought idiot was an understatment. I've beenout of work for over a year. Others that I know of have been in the same boat.CF-Jobs is a resource to try and get some of these people some
Really? When you called that guy an idiot, I thought you were beingplayful.You know, that was an exciting email. I think we should have a target ofthe day for EVERY list. Everyone just comes out and takes out theirfrustrations on that person with no boundries. The selection process canbe arbitrary,
t: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:13 PM Subject: RE: My target of the day 0_0 Well..umm...your email seems to be really pissed with linebreaks too. Let's just beat them all with a foam bat! WHOS WITH ME!! BANZAAAIIi
And I guess I get to include myself in the group of stupid people for the formatting on that last post. :(
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0_0Well..umm...your email seems to be really pissed with linebreaks too.Let's just beat them all with a foam bat! WHOS WITH ME!!BANZAAAIIi! -Gel^_^-Original Message-From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:11 PMTo: CF-CommunitySubject: My
Am I pissed with terrorists today? No. Am I pissed with thieves, murderers orbad drivers today? No. I'm pissed with schmucks like this who abuse a listdesigned for people to get some work:http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=m:13:1983:2679Michael DinowitzFinding technical solutions to the pr
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