Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-05 Thread Jerry Barnes
I found this article about the hard hitting reporting style of Newsweek. Newsweek Whitewashes Al Sharpton by Larry Elder A well-known "civil rights activist" made the cover of Newsweek, the left-wing "news" magazine reportedly sold for its debt and $1. Based on this cover story, the buyer overp

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-04 Thread Jerry Barnes
Why Is Newsweek Keeping The CEO Who Ran It Into The Ground? J - Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted i

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread denstar
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Jerry Johnson wrote: ... > For me it is a shame, since I _like_ the people on this list, and would love > to hear their thoughts on most any topic. Without everything having to turn > into a political us vs them. Since in my mind, despite all the voices > spewing al

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Sam
I think he's pointing his finger at Haten Humphrey :) On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Jerry Barnes wrote: > > "I've got to say, what could have been an uplifting story of a rich guy who > did it the right way pitching in with a sense of civic responsibility to try > to save an iconic piece of t

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Sam
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Jerry Johnson wrote: > > Who am I? Just one member of the community. Exactly. You're judgmental comment came off like this list is about pleasing you and we all let you down. > But, responses like yours, Sam, are exactly why you hit my kill file years > ago. You j

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Jerry Barnes
"I've got to say, what could have been an uplifting story of a rich guy who did it the right way pitching in with a sense of civic responsibility to try to save an iconic piece of the American Press (which is a cornerstone of this great country), instead has turned into the usual partisan crap."

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Jerry Johnson
Who am I? Just one member of the community. But, responses like yours, Sam, are exactly why you hit my kill file years ago. You just don't add anything to my life in any meanful or good way. And does anyone ever wonder where everyone went on this list? Why it is the same few people hashing over

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Sam
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > > Typical Sam real typical. Go for the ugly personal insults right off the bat. I just asked a simple question. > Look this is a good thing for the press in general.And its an even > better business decision. Or should political ideology s

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Larry C. Lyons
Typical Sam real typical. Go for the ugly personal insults right off the bat. Look this is a good thing for the press in general.And its an even better business decision. Or should political ideology supersede free enterprise. Hmm - does this mean that its OK to ditch core principles when they ar

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Sam
And who the fuck are you? We're not here to be judged by you. The reason Harman is taking on the $100 million plus challenge is because the magazine doesn't represent what this country was built on. It represents bias. That's what's crushing them and Time mag. The only way to save them is to get

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Jerry Johnson
I've got to say, what could have been an uplifting story of a rich guy who did it the right way pitching in with a sense of civic responsibility to try to save an iconic piece of the American Press (which is a cornerstone of this great country), instead has turned into the usual partisan crap. I

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Larry C. Lyons
Anyone who can completely shake up the industry he started in twice, and then go on to get a couple of doctorates and come back and shake things up again to me suggests that he's a good turn around CEO. Probably its just what newsweek needs. On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Cameron Childress wrot

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Larry C. Lyons
I got a harmon amp when I was in college. I still use the thing as a pre-amp. its been about the cleanest sounding amp that I've run across. On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:34 AM, Casey Dougall wrote: > > On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > >> >> Harmon Electronics make very good e

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Larry C. Lyons
You're just whining because one of your conservative shills was told to go take a flying fck. On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Sam wrote: > > Now that's funny :) > > On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: >> >> What are you >> complaining about, one less independent media outlet?

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Larry C. Lyons
If you read about the guy, he has a pretty interesting life. here's what the post reported: Harman Media buys Newsweek from Washington Post Co. for undisclosed amount By Frank Ahrens Tuesday, August 3, 2010; A10

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Sam
Now that's funny :) On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > > What are you > complaining about, one less independent media outlet? > ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Jerry Barnes
"Does anyone else find it ironic that as media is changing more and more rapidly, that a 91 year old man is taking control? I'm not saying he's not capable of understanding and embracing change, he's obviously very successful, but isn't there a certain emotion and nostalgia that he must be draggi

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Cameron Childress
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Judah McAuley wrote: > 91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly bought Newsweek > magazine for $1. Not an issue, mind you, but the whole company. > > Does anyone else find it

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-03 Thread Casey Dougall
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote: > > Harmon Electronics make very good equipment. Considering what he's > done, hey he's entitled to blow his money as he wants. > > Hell yeah...Harmon Pro Group owns some killer companies. Basically 9 out of 10 clubs use JBL speakers with c

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Jerry Barnes
"I've heard of buying off the media but at least this time he paid a decent price for it!" At least he's paying. Most of the Democratic congress members aren't paying off the media. They're getting it for free. J - "I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay." "We can

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Jerry Barnes
"What are you complaining about, one less independent media outlet?" Who's complaining? It's his money, earned through his industriousness. He can spend it on anything who wants, whether it's a good deal or not, and I am glad he has the freedom to do so. J - Over the last 15 months, we’ve

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Larry C. Lyons
Harmon Electronics make very good equipment. Considering what he's done, hey he's entitled to blow his money as he wants. What are you complaining about, one less independent media outlet? On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote: > > "91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread C. Hatton Humphrey
> "91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly bought Newsweek magazine > for $1. Not an issue, mind you, but the whole company." > > Dude got ripped off.  Guess he has lost some of his business acumen in his > old age. Interesting twist I heard on this was that his wife is in politics.. h

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Jerry Barnes
"91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly bought Newsweek magazine for $1. Not an issue, mind you, but the whole company." Dude got ripped off. Guess he has lost some of his business acumen in his old age. J - Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted wit

Re: Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Larry C. Lyons
harmon electronics also makes really kick butt stereo and AV components. The company also makes it a policy to build all its components in the US. On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Judah McAuley wrote: > > 91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly bought Newsweek > magazine for $1. Not an

Newsweek bought for $1

2010-08-02 Thread Judah McAuley
91 year old audio equipment tycoon has reportedly bought Newsweek magazine for $1. Not an issue, mind you, but the whole company. ~| Order the Adob