You folks are good folk, wise folk. (Strange folk!) So
I am asking for your wisdom on my professional

It has become PAINFULLY clear that I must abdicate my
throne as O.F.A.H. webmaster and get into the real web
developing world.
But I'm a little disconnected.

I've been webmaster for a year (webmaster in the real
sense that anything, I mean ANYTHING, to do with our
web communications is done solely by me.) But I want to
get away from the more bureaucratic side of things and
into a mentored-developer  type position.

Now, problem seems to be that everywhere I go they say
I don't have enough coding experience due to the fact
that I spend 80% of my time dealing with issues of an
administrative nature (read: paperwork) and only about
20% actually coding.

I know a lot of you folk are in positions where you see
resumes. I'd just like to ask for you brutally honest
critique of my resume, keeping in mind that I am
seeking an intermediate CF developer type position.

I'm not asking any of you for a job ( as most of you
are in the U.S. anyway ) just your honest and valued

My resume and such is at

That being said, if you are in the Toronto, Ontario
area and looking for someone who codes blindfolded and
can actually lift the front end of  a '76 Beetle, call
me. I'm cheap but not easy. ;o) 65% probability of me
doing contract work although perm is preferred.


"When will then be now?" 'Soon' - Spaceballs

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