A client of ours sells all manner of consumer, prosumer, and professional AV
equipment, and I hear quite a lot about the quality of Sony's built-in mics.
In fact, one of the guys that worked there told me he tried an expensive
third-party external mic setup just right on a short boom conn
I've been going through this nightmare lately with Skype. One word, brother-
Bluetooth. I've been using my Motorola Motopure H12 headset with my laptop
for Skype- it kicks ass.
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
> We're going to be taking video testimon
lav mics can be rented pretty cheaply, and purchase is not out of the
question certainly. that'd get your best audio in a large room.
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Michael Dinowitz
Not sure that many consumer or prosumer cameras are capable of it. What you may
want to do is record the audio separately and then match it with the video in
post production.
>We're going to be taking video testimonials, faq questions/answers, article
>requests and more at cfunited. Becau