After giving no coverage to the incidents of hundreds of young male
Arab-speaking illegals crossing into the US in the Arizona Area recently, Fox
News is pushing the panic button over a scheduled unprecedented news conference
called on Sunday by DHS Secretary, Tom Ridge, referring to increasing threats in
the NYC Area.

Not only does the DHS do absolutely nothing about the illegal immigrants in the
US, but are still (even three years after 9/11)  are still releasing into the
interior even those illegals that have been rounded up.

The policy of capturing illegals, taking them to booking, where they are given a
court date and then released, is still a policy that is one of the gut causes of
the illegal problems in the US today.  It is still treated much as a misdemeanor
traffic stop.  Of course the illegals so relapsed never show up for the hearings
and go about their business with impunity.

Now (Note, no elevation in threat alert status) it is reported that another
attack is imminent on New York City, possibly coinciding with the Republican
National Convention.

Unfortunately the credibility factor of this administration has sunk to such a
low, that the conspiracy theorists have commented that all this is just more to
add the fear factor to the re-election effort, or possibly arranging an incident
or two to bolster this.

No wonder the Kerry Polls (nytimes) currently show a 54-48 lead over Bush.
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