Not to change the topic from "guns and ammo", but I just had a strange
occurence with a MS SQL query statement and I thought I'd share.

I had a pretty interesting query
SELECT Contacts_SearchLog.*,zFullName = (select zFullName from contacts
where contacts.contactid = contacts_searchlog.contactid) FROM
WHERE contactid = #ContactID# <CFIF isdate(Searchdate)>AND (searchdate >=
#createodbcdate(searchdate)# AND searchdate <
ORDER by searchdate, searchno

The query was supposed to return 15 rows, but
"GetContactHistory.RecordCount" would return 0... even though the debug
screen reported "GetContactHistory (Records=15, Time=141ms)"

To fix the problem, I replaced the "*" with the list of fields needed from
the DB.  How weird.  The table had a memo field, so maybe that was the

Daniel Dewey                |"Accept that some days you're the
Systems Developer           | pigeon, and some days you're the 
MCP (NT srvr/wkstn/eprise)  | statue." 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  -- Roger Anderson |                 610-868-1421, x115
           The National Association of Colleges and Employers

     These opinions are mine, and may not be the same as my employer 

-----Original Message-----
From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 12:15 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: influence

Dear List:

Wanted to post my reply to Daniel as an official apology to the group for a
Monday-morning slip of mouse and manners.
The note wasn't meant to go to the list.
Then I compounded my error by sending the reply privately to Daniel.
Sorry, all.
Have a good one.



You're absolutely right, I apologize
Meant to send it only to the poster, and when I cut/pasted his address
forgot to remove the list address.
Will make sure I don't do that again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Dewey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: influence

Ben --
  You could use some etiquette too!!  You can reply to the author to
chastise (sp?) him, instead of berating him through the list.  Yes, we all
make mistakes, but we don't need to be humiliated for it!

Daniel Dewey                |"Accept that some days you're the
Systems Developer           | pigeon, and some days you're the 
MCP (NT srvr/wkstn/eprise)  | statue." 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  -- Roger Anderson |                 610-868-1421, x115
           The National Association of Colleges and Employers

     These opinions are mine, and may not be the same as my employer 

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