Re: Supreme Court takes on hairless blue aliens in Utah

2008-11-13 Thread Larry Lyons
>A free speech/establishment clause debate that is quite the amazing >feat of mental gymnastics. > >In short,Pleasant Grove, Utah has a city park that has a 10 >Commandments monument in it. It was donated (in part) by Cecile B. >DeMille to promote the Ten Commandments movie. That's all well and >go

Supreme Court takes on hairless blue aliens in Utah

2008-11-13 Thread Judah McAuley
A free speech/establishment clause debate that is quite the amazing feat of mental gymnastics. In short,Pleasant Grove, Utah has a city park that has a 10 Commandments monument in it. It was donated (in part) by Cecile B. DeMille to promote the Ten Commandments movie. That's all well and good but