I used to work for a healthcare e-Learning firm. We had a CF polling
that was built-in to a Web conferencing system.  The polling application
present all the users in the Web conference with an HTML form and allow them
to answer a series of questions.  Their answers were submitted to a database
and when all users had answered, the conference proctor would show the
The results were a cfgraph Flash chart.

The guy that wrote the polling app had some seriously crazy code happening
when the user submitted answers.. things like inserting values to several
_before_ the actually results could be inserted - due to FK relationships.
The application would crash whenever more than 30 users were being polled. I
calculated how many queries were run each time a user submitted one answer.
There were 11.

I came around, completely overhauled the system and for the answer submit
stuff I wound up seeding the database with null answer values.  This allowed
to write ONLY ONE query on the answer submit page.  We ran the app through
LoadRunner both before my changes and after.  Simulatenous user load
increased from 30 to 300 - the maximum we could test due to our LoadRunner
license.  Also of note, is that we ran the test with "human thinking" turned
and with LoadRunner slamming the form action page (answer submittal) with
300 users at the same time.  The entire Web team was astonished at the
results.  This was with CF 5 with SQL 7.

Just goes to show, that there is a right way and a wrong way to write

|  Aaron West
|  aaron AT trajiklyhip.com
|  http://www.trajiklyhip.com
|  Team Macromedia Volunteer for ColdFusion
|  Certified Macromedia Flash MX Developer
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