We are working on a page that involves a state drop
down list and the counties in that state. We want to
make it dynamic so when a user chooses Missouri, just
the counties in Missouri are available.
Here's what I got so far. On the onchange event for
the state drop down we are setting a variab
Thanks. That works great.
-Original Message-
From: Bryan LaPlante [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [KCFusion] SQL table listing
If you want to look at all the object in the DB here is a little dynamic
table for doing that
I took it last year and honestly for me it was more of a personal goal more than
anything else. Certification was also important to me to take up some of the slack of
no college. As far as my employer goes, they were like "oh hey good job" but thats
about it. Skills and competence in your pr
I haven't taken it myself but I've seen this discussed in other CF circles.
The consensus seems to be:
A) CF people don't think it really proves very much and are not impressed.
B) Potential employers see it as evidence of qualification and are
So you could probably ask yourself what y
Has anyone taken the Allaire CF exam? Has anyone passed it? At a price of
$150 it is not very expensive compared to some other 'certifications' out
there, but I am still curious about whether or not this exam has any impact.
Does it really mean enough for it to be worth preparing for it?
Jean S
If you want to look at all the object in the DB here is a little dynamic
table for doing that.
select * from msysobjects
#Evaluate("QryResult." & "#CellValue#")#
- Original Message -
From: "Ryan Block" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Do this before you run your query. Go to Access and open your DB, go to the
tools menu and choose security >> groups and permissions, Click the checkbox
for administer on the msysobjects table.
select name from msysobjects
where type = 1
type = 1 are tables and type = 5 are views
I can't remember how to query a database to just return the names of the
tables in a database (just using Access for now). I know that I have seen
the syntax to do this somewhere, but can't find it. Thanks in advance.
Ryan Block