Hi David, thank you.
I ended up with a workaround similar to it:

<cfmail to="x...@xxx.com" from="x...@xxx.com" subject="Eine neue Datei ist 
verfuegbar" type="HTML">
Sehr geehrter ...,
Mit freundlichen Gr&ouml;ssen

So for ü (e.g.) I typed: &uuml;

Not nice, but at least it works.

> Have you tried using HTMLEditFormat?

> David Phelan
> Web Developer
> IT Security & Web Technologies

> Emerging Health
> Montefiore Information Technology
> 3 Odell Plaza, Yonkers, NY 10701
> 914-457-6465 Office
> dphe...@emerginghealthit.com
> www.emerginghealthit.com
> www.montefiore.org

> ________________________________________
> From: Uwe Degenhardt <cf-t...@sdsolutions.de>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:51 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: cfmail and special characters

> Hi Philipp,
> thanks. Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.
> Has anybody any other ideas ?

> @Philipp,  can  you  send  me  one  cfmail-code  snippet  with special
> characters that runs on your CF8/Linux-box as an example ?

> Uwe

> am Mittwoch, 10. September 2014 um 09:24 schrieben Sie:

>> Uwe,

>> try <cfmail charset="utf-8“...

>> Gruß,

>> Philipp

>>> Am 10.09.2014 um 09:17 schrieb Uwe Degenhardt <cf-t...@sdsolutions.de>:
>>> Hi Everybody,
>>> to be honest: I am pulling my hair out !
>>> I have a problem with cfmail and special characters.
>>> The german "umlaute" seem to be displayed wrong.
>>> This is the code:
>>> <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=utf-8">
>>> <cfset SetLocale("German (DE)")/>
>>> <cfmail to="x...@xxx.com" from="x...@xxx.com" subject="Eine neue Datei ist 
>>> verfuegbar">
>>> <CFMAILPARAM NAME="charset" VALUE="utf-8">
>>> Sehr geehrter ...,
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> </cfmail>
>>> I have also tried:
>>> <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
>>> <cfset SetLocale("German (DE)")/>
>>> <cfmail to="x...@xxx.com" from="x...@xxx.com" subject="Eine neue Datei ist 
>>> verfuegbar">
>>> <CFMAILPARAM NAME="charset" VALUE="iso-8859-1">
>>> Sehr geehrter ...,
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>>> </cfmail>
>>> Concerning the  last  line  I  always  got: Mit freundlichen Gr??en instead 
>>> of "Mit
>>> freundlichen Grüßen"
>>> I  tried  this  on  my  ColdFusion  8  box with Windows. Absolutely no
>>> problem  at  all. When I switch to Linux (Debian or CentOS) it doesn't
>>> work.
>>> I  also  tried  to  change  the charset on my linux boxes. No positive
>>> result. I tried to change the Mail Charset Settings in CF already.
>>> With also no positive results.
>>> Has anybody any other ideas ?
>>> Uwe



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