Re: Uploading and displaying graphics from a database

2005-01-06 Thread Anthony Cooper
As suggested, you could store them in the OS and store the path in the DB. To share images across several sites (and I'm guessing you mean servers too) you could put all the images on one particular box in your cluster and access them over the local network. I've done this on a couple of sites

Re: OT: Mac/Flash Video assistance requested

2004-12-23 Thread Anthony Cooper
Tested on Safari, I can confirm that it doesn't work :( Here's a guess, try adding the ?url... bit onto the src attribute in the embed tag also. How are you loading the variables in from within flash? On 23 Dec 2004, at 0:06, Dennis Powers wrote: Hi, I first have to confess my ignorance

Re: DateAdd problems.

2004-12-23 Thread Anthony Cooper
cfset nextEdition = #DateAdd(m, 1, lcase(MonthAsString(month(UKtodayDate()# Hi Saturday, Noticed you've got an extra set of arguments after UKtodayDate which could be your problem, try: cfset nextEdition = DateAdd(m, 1, lcase(MonthAsString(month(UKtodayDate Also in the UK and

Re: Seeing double?

2004-12-22 Thread Anthony Cooper
If you've closed the tag or used a / at the end, it will get called twice. You need to checkout the value of thisTag.executionMode, read more here: On 22 Dec 2004, at 13:39, Katz, Dov B (IT) wrote: I have a dev machine

Re: CFPOP Parsing Question

2004-12-21 Thread Anthony Cooper
Hi Jamie, This is just a quick guess, I've never really used CFPOP... but as CFPOP returns a query, I'm sure you could do a Query of Queries on the result. using_re.htm#wp1181595 For more info on QofQ Ant On 21 Dec 2004, at 14:53,

Re: time to cluster, I thinkL

2004-12-20 Thread Anthony Cooper
IMHO I think the first step, assuming you only have a budget for 1 extra machine, would be to move your MSSQL installation onto a separate box to free up some more resources for CF. This'll save you a bit too as you should have most of the software licenses you need too. After you've done that

Re: record count

2004-12-17 Thread Anthony Cooper
If I understand you correctly, you have already run the query in a cfquery/ tag and have a recordset, no? If so, you could do a simple Query of Queries on this to further interrogate your results. e.g. cfquery name=rsNew dbtype=query SELECT COUNT( something ) AS somethingCount

Re: Axis error on OS X

2004-12-15 Thread Anthony Cooper
I'm fully up to date - Version: 6,1,0,63958 Have you guys got it working OK? On 15 Dec 2004, at 1:38, dave wrote: axis used an older driver till 6.1 so it wouldnt work right if u havent updated yet ~| Special thanks to

Re: Axis error on OS X

2004-12-15 Thread Anthony Cooper
them a mapping needs to be made to map the URL /cfusion/webservices/ to the physical path [whatever-your-web-root-is]/cfusion/webservices/. It sounds dumb, but it works. -Original Message- From: Anthony Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, 15 December 2004 6:44 To: CF

Re: Bit of a predicament.. MySQL and sorting by dates..

2004-12-14 Thread Anthony Cooper
Actually I meant SET theDate = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar value=#newDate#/ Watch out for long lines wrapping. ~| Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

Re: Bit of a predicament.. MySQL and sorting by dates..

2004-12-14 Thread Anthony Cooper
You'll could do something like: cfquery name=rsFix datasource=x SELECT uid, theDate FROMmyTable /cfquery cfloop query=rsFix cfset newDate = 20 listGetAt( rsFix.theData, 3, - ) - listGetAt( rsFix.theData, 1, - ) - listGetAt( rsFix.theData, 2, - )/

Axis error on OS X

2004-12-13 Thread Anthony Cooper
Hi, I'm running CFMX 6.1 on Tomcat on OS X everything works fine apart from web services, if I try to call: http://localhost:8080/cfusion/services/sample.cfc I just get: AXIS error No service is available at this URL And if I try:

Mac + JRun + CFMX = .cfm files downloading

2004-05-06 Thread Anthony Cooper
Hi, Just moved my CFMX installation over to JRun from Tomcat. The app I've written worked fine before except when I try to browse it now, the index.cfm file just downloads to the desktop. The application is written in FB4, and it seems to do it the most when a page posts to itself or when I'm

Re: Mac + JRun + CFMX = .cfm files downloading

2004-05-06 Thread Anthony Cooper
, 2004, at 7:49 AM, Anthony Cooper wrote: Hi,   Just moved my CFMX installation over to JRun from Tomcat. The app I've written worked fine before except when I try to browse it now, the index.cfm file just downloads to the desktop.   The application is written in FB4, and it seems to do it the most

Re: Mac + JRun + CFMX = .cfm files downloading

2004-05-06 Thread Anthony Cooper
works OK. Couple of things: 1) what happens when you include index.cfm or other program name in the URL? 2) when you start CF from the console do you see any error messages? Dick On May 6, 2004, at 8:14 AM, Anthony Cooper wrote: Hi,   I haven't tackled the Apache integration yet, I was just