I am having problems with CFsearch on a CFMX 6.1 install.  I am searching 50 
collections that have a total of 23,491 records in them.  I have so many 
collections because when they are search just a few areas it is much faster but 
when I need to do a search of everything it takes for ever.  Could I have a 
large PDF or badly formated PDF that causes for the slow down?  I am setting 
Maxrow return to 100.  This search worked with out much of any delays when the 
system was on CF5.  I just thought verity could perform quick search and I only 
have 24,000 records.  I would hate to see how slow it would be if I had the 
full 750,000 records it says it can index.  Any ideas on what I could do 
different would be great.


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