> Alternate e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I am Dr. Mrs. Mariam Abacha, wife to the late Nigerian Head of state,
> General Sani Abacha who died on the 8th of June 1998 while still on 
> active
> service for our Country. I am contacting 
> you with the hope that you will be of great assistance to me, I 
> currently
> have
> within my reach the sum of $18.92 million U.S dollars cash which l 
> intend to
> use for investment purposes outside 
> Nigeria. 
> This money came as a result of a pay back contract deal between my
> husband and a Russian firm in our country s multi-billion dollar 
> Ajaokuta
> steel
> plant. The Russian partners returned my husband s share being the 
> above sum
> after his death. Presently, the new civilian Government has 
> intensified
> their
> probe into my husband s financial resources, which has led to the 
> freezing
> of
> all our accounts, local and foreign, the revoking of all our business
> licenses
> and the arrest of my First son. In view of this I acted very fast to
> withdraw
> this money from one of our finance houses before it was closed down. I 
> have
> deposited the money in a security company with the help of very loyal
> officials 
> of my late husband. No record is known about this fund by the 
> government
> because there is no documentation showing that we received such funds. 
> Due to the current situation in the country and government attitude
> to
> my family, I cannot make use of this money within, thus I seek your 
> help in
> transferring this funds out of the sub African region. Upon your 
> consent
> contact me via e-mail immediately for further discussion and 
> clarification.
> Bearing in mind that you may assist me, l has decided to part with 20% 
> of
> the
> total sum. 
> Your URGENT response is needed. Please include your personal phone
> and
> fax number. Please if interested contact me using only
> Regards 
> Dr. Mrs. Mariam Abacha 
_> _____________________________________________________________________
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