Re: Restricted access to non cf files using cf

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Fisher
Place your non-CF files into a non-web folder (say, C:\SecureFiles\MySite\ or whatever) and then serve those files through a CF script. For example, perhaps the file request link looks like this: href=index.cfm?event=file.downloadid=xyz Then the event checks the session; if

Re: Restricted access to non cf files using cf

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Fisher
Nice solution for those in hosted environments, Claude! Simple and effective! ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: aggregate query problems

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Fisher
Seamus, Can you post your updated query? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: aggregate query problems

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Fisher
OK, I wonder if it's the * in COUNT(*) ... try this: SELECT tbl_member_language_group.language_group_name, COUNT(tbl_demographics.contact_id) AS CountOfcontact_id,, tbl_demographics.region FROM tbl_member_language_group LEFT JOIN

Re: CF8 MS SQL Server Query Problems

2009-06-25 Thread Jason Fisher
I'm with Mike on this one. The query is fine, as you know from running it on the DB server itself. CF does nothing more than pass through the query to the JDBC driver, but that query will present no difficulties. The only thing left that I can think of is that the datasource in CFAdmin

Re: CF8 MS SQL Server Query Problems

2009-06-24 Thread Jason Fisher
What do you see if you dump? cfdump var=#rs# / The metadata should at least confirm the SQL that's getting passed through. SQL Server certainly doesn't care about CF, it's just serving the request of the JDBC driver. ~|

RE: Application Scope Problem

2009-06-18 Thread Jason Fisher
Sticky, meaning that a variable holds the same value across multiple calls, because it's in the application scope, and therefore shared across all users of that application. The 'arguments' scope should be used within the body of the function, not the CFARGUMENT tag. So, this is fine:

re: Redirect in Application.cfc Pseudo Contructor Area: Bad Form?

2009-06-17 Thread Jason Fisher
Yes, on one of my shopping apps, I put the following right in my onRequestStart method: cfif cgi.https is off !--- redirect to secure connection --- cfset go = https://; cgi.server_name cgi.path_info / cfif len(cgi.query_string) cfset go = go ?

RE: Application Scope Problem

2009-06-17 Thread Jason Fisher
Completely agree with Brad. Also wouldn't hurt to ensure that the arguments parameters aren't sticky, by referencing the scope of 'language' and 'placeholder' as appropriate. cffunction access=public name=lookup returntype=string output=no hint=Returns the text found for the given language

re: Limiting the display of an image to certain times of the day with CF?

2009-06-16 Thread Jason Fisher
!--- get the time in whole number, 24-hour (military time) --- cfset timeTest = val(timeFormat(now(), HHmm)) / !--- run the tests --- cfif (timeTest lt 800) or (timeTest gte 1200 and timeTest lt 1400) or (timeTest gt 1700) img src=imageToShow.jpg / /cfif

Re: insert length

2009-06-16 Thread Jason Fisher
The exception is blank, which cannot be resolved as Boolean. So, cfif isBoolean(variableName) and variableName will truly resolve either true or false. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let

Re: insert length

2009-06-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Actually, empty string simply breaks the Boolean check, it's the primary exception. cfif isBoolean(stringVar) ... will at least let it through only if it's actually a value that CF can apply a true/false test to ... From: Peter Boughton

RE: insert length

2009-06-16 Thread Jason Fisher
That totally depends on your DB setup. If you have a column that does not allow NULL, then you have have send the empty string ('') if there's no value. If you have SQL code that tests Country IS NULL, then you may want to send NULL for that value in place of the empty string. Again,

Re: email and encrypt

2009-06-16 Thread Jason Fisher
I would guess that the urlEncoded() version is probably longer than the line length of some email readers, so it's getting truncated and then your app gets a partial ID back. +1 to Alan on the idea of only passing the ID ... From: Alan Rother

Re: Case Sensitive SQL

2009-06-15 Thread Jason Fisher
What are the data types of the columns you're trying to GROUP BY? I'm sure it will barf on a memo field, for instance. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of

Re: Case Sensitive SQL

2009-06-15 Thread Jason Fisher
Right, include all the columns, but also GROUP BY cluster not GROUP BY clust In other words, group on the actual column name, not the alias. Now, if your goal is simply to get only 1 of every record combination, since you're not using any other Aggregate functions besides GROUP BY, why

Re: Case Sensitive SQL

2009-06-15 Thread Jason Fisher
Okay, that makes sense, but I'm thinking that you won't be able to do the grouping at the SQL level in that case. As Jochem noted, GROUP BY can only put records together where all the grouped fields match, and the assumption is that all other columns are summarized or otherwise aggregated.

Re: Syntax error in SQL statement

2009-06-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Doesn't look like any of the parens are actually necessary on this query, are they? Shot in the dark here, but is exception a reserved word in SQL Server? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let

Re: Product ID - enterprise level application

2009-06-11 Thread Jason Fisher
Eventually integers do get too large for the database field. If you're truly adding a million new IDs / day, that could happen. There's a fairly modest upper limit to 'int', so definitely look at 'bigint' (SQL Server) to handle integer IDs if you take that route.

Re: cf8 help with japanese characters

2009-06-10 Thread Jason Fisher
Collation's not the problem, but the Data Type of your columns might be. Make sure you're using nvarchar ntext (not varchar and text) [SQL Server] and ensure that both page and form encoding allow Unicode, like using charset UTF-8.

Re: CFfunction within a query output

2009-06-10 Thread Jason Fisher
Better yet, just define the function outside the loop (top of the template?) and then just call it from inside your loop. From: Don L Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:39 PM To: cf-talk Subject: Re: CFfunction

re: Image killing server

2009-06-09 Thread Jason Fisher
Just looking at the link you sent in a browser, the image is nearly all black, which makes me think it's a CMYK jpeg, instead of an RGB jpeg. Browsers and the Adobe image engine can't handle the CMYK ... that's my guess.

RE: Generating appopriate transaction IDs

2009-06-04 Thread Jason Fisher
The other benefit of createUUID() is that you can later split / combine records from different tables if you ever need to, such as pulling production records down to review in development ... no integer clashes when you've got fully unique values across the tables and datasources.

Re: Generating appopriate transaction IDs

2009-06-04 Thread Jason Fisher
Looks like that was fixed in JVM 1.3.1_04 ... and CF 8 is shipped with 1.6.0_4, with the recommendation to upgrade to 1.6.0_11 or higher, so I think we're OK on the server clock issue ( Fascinating, though.

Re: captcha

2009-06-02 Thread Jason Fisher
I have also had decent luck with the hidden form field. In your form, put an input type=text in a div that is display: none, so the field isn't technically hidden, but a human won't see it, and then call the field something like name=lastName, something that a bot will always fill out.

re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
Assuming you're on CFMX 7 or 8, you no longer need to LOCK on READ, so if you're concerned about race conditions on the WRITE, just do: cflock scope=session type=EXCLUSIVE timeout=10 cfset = /cflock (timeout can be whatever is appropriate)

re: Help ColdFusion Output URGENT

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
You could do it better with aggregate functions, but this will work, too. Just make the completionDate lookup part of your base query (note the LEFT OUTER JOIN), and then use the GROUP attribute of the CFOUTPUT tag to do the looping for you in one go: cfquery name=getCareManagers

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
That would work, but it's unnecessary overhead unless you're still on CF 5. Virtually all that locking has been handled in MX. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House

re: Query Modification

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
Query of Queries would work really well, and would be very efficient ... why not do that? Query 'employees' has: firstName, lastName, title, email, phone, ext cfquery dbtype=query name=employees SELECT firstName, lastName, email FROM employees /cfquery That would get you there with very

re: mx7 debugger

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
What does your full CFFORM tag look like? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Query Modification

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
On #2, I assume then that you know which column you would be removing, so how about: get the list of current columns, whatever they are: cfset colList = employees.columnList / remove a known column, in this example phone: cfset colList = listDeleteAt(colList, listFindNoCase(colList, phone)) /

Re: Locking Issue - Read value from APPLICATION scope write it to SESSION scope

2009-06-01 Thread Jason Fisher
@Jay Yes, fair enough. Granted that CF doesn't guarantee the order of execution when processing threads in a request, does the application in this case really have the possibility of having multiple threads making sequential changes to that specific session variable (which is thread-safe to

Re: What's the best way to handle returning two queries from a component for looping?

2009-05-28 Thread Jason Fisher
Rick, If it looks unclear, you can also do the following: cfoutput query=getStuff group=theTitleFieldHere h1#someTitleField#/h1 cfoutput group=theDetailField p#theDetailField#/p /cfoutput /cfoutput Note that the inner CFOUTPUT has 'group' attribute, but no 'query' attribute. The plain

Re: What's the best way to handle returning two queries from a component for looping?

2009-05-28 Thread Jason Fisher
It's actually been there since 4.0, I believe. I know they added the groupCaseSensitive attribute in 4.5, so the group option was in place by that point. Essentially it's a way to get your output to follow your SQL groupings, when that sort of thing is necessary. So like doing a blotter

Re: What's the best way to handle returning two queries from a component for looping?

2009-05-28 Thread Jason Fisher
LOL, don't you just love finding something new that makes life (or at least coding) easier? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Anyone see a problem with this code? Won't execute...

2009-05-23 Thread Jason Fisher
Correct. cmd.exe simply opens the window which allows you to run batch files ... that's what CFEXECUTE is already doing for you. So just run this: cfexecute name=f:\inetpub\webroot\real_estate_data\hmls\10_hmls_batch files\load_hmls_active_photos.bat / Execute the batch file directly,

Re: (ot) Database comparison software

2009-05-15 Thread Jason Fisher
+1 for Red-Gate's SQL Compare and Data Compare. Not only finds the differences, but one click to generate the code to go from either version to the other version. Very handy. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with

Re: my cfqueryparam grievance

2009-05-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Ummm, not sure why your cookie.theID would shift, but I would say absolutely that the CF_SQL_TYPE is designed to match the database column data type, not the incoming variable parameter. The entire point of the CF_SQL_TYPE is to let the JDBC driver handle the data pass-through for you in a

Re: Getting a count from a group in cfquery

2009-05-06 Thread Jason Fisher
Try a sub-query. Pretty sure this will get you what you're looking for (or close): SELECT sub.thisCount, sub.emailID, e.emailAddress sub.emailDate, sub.groupID FROM log_email e RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(emailAddress) AS

re: list question

2009-05-01 Thread Jason Fisher
cfset listLoc = listFind(orderIDList, url.orderID) / cfif listLoc eq 1 cfset prevOrderID = / cfelse cfset prevOrderID = listGetAt(orderIDList, listLoc - 1) / /cfif cfif listLoc lt listLen(orderIDList) cfset nextOrderID = listGetAt(orderIDList, listLoc + 1) / cfelse cfset nextOrderID = / /cfif

RE: list question

2009-05-01 Thread Jason Fisher
, May 01, 2009 10:43 AM To: cf-talk Subject: RE: list question Jason, This worked like a champ... Thanks sas -- Scott Stewart ColdFusion Developer 4405 Oakshyre Way Raleigh, NC 27616 (h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835 -Original Message- From: Jason Fisher

Re: Values in a loop

2009-04-30 Thread Jason Fisher
An unchecked checkbox doesn't exist in the subsequent form scope. Move your CFIF up above your CFSET's: cfloop index=pmt from = 1 to = #form.numrows# cfif isDefined(form.paid_#pmt#) and Trim(pd) eq Confirmed cfset pd=form['paid_' pmt] cfset rid=form['regid_' pmt] cfquery datasource=#dsn#

re: letting a graphic artist change pages

2009-04-27 Thread Jason Fisher
I recommend that you sit down with the designer and your CF template and go through the basics of how CF interacts with the HTML. Show CFLOOP and CFOUTPUT and how HTML blocks may get repeated, etc. Impress on the designer that any CF tag should be left in its current position relative to

RE: mail log

2009-04-20 Thread Jason Fisher
In CF Admin, under Server Settings Mail, in the Mail Logging Settings, you can set both the logging level (Error, Warning, Info, etc) as well as a checkbox to Log all mail messages sent by ColdFusion. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion®

Re: Newbie ... CFSQLTYPE of CFQueryParam

2009-04-16 Thread Jason Fisher
And for all those reading this and using MSSQL, an inline statement would look like this: cfquery ... declare @p1 nvarchar(50) set @p1 = '#userSuppliedValue#' select * from tableName where column = @p1 /cfquery So, basically cfqueryparam is creating the Declare and Set for you.

Re: Newbie ... CFSQLTYPE of CFQueryParam

2009-04-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Ah, yes, Francois, you are correct. I forgot to mention that in addition to creating the @var parameters (which you can see in the CF debug output), the CFQUERYPARAM also ensures that you don't get '; BAD SQL INJECTION' stuff getting through into your SET @p1 = '#myUserVar#' expression.

Re: Newbie ... CFSQLTYPE of CFQueryParam

2009-04-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Dominic, you are right that there are exceptions from a performance perspective ... can't remember who blogged about that in detail? See Simon Horwith's for one example: But you are right about the Query Plan

Re: Newbie ... CFSQLTYPE of CFQueryParam

2009-04-16 Thread Jason Fisher
I can't speak for MySQL, but in MSSQL, every query (not just prepared statements) is processed into a Query Plan before processing. The server then caches as many of these QPs as possible, so that repeated calls to the same 'query definition' do not have the overhead of having to re-generate

Re: Calendar Functionality

2009-04-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Not sure what you're looking for Steve ... just the syntax for adding your 'dayview' value to the URL string? Also, as a side note, you can get rid of most of those # signs ... The following will add your computed date to the URL string in a 'safe' format, passing it as a variable called

re: MS WORD DOCX Question

2009-04-15 Thread Jason Fisher
Some notes on the right MIME type for the Office 2007 formats, which IIS6 doesn't know how to handle. aspx ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is

Re: Dynamic Renaming of uploaded file

2009-04-14 Thread Jason Fisher
Absolutely. cfset myCustomVar = whateverABC1299X / ... cffile ... destination=#dest##myCustomVar#.#cffile.serverFileExt# / ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free

Re: No Verity, no full-text options?

2009-04-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Look at Lucene, which you can drop into your codebase and run as your indexing engine. It's an open source Java-based solution. Ray's also got a ColdFusion wrapper for it, called Seeker:

Re: Dynamic Renaming of uploaded file

2009-04-07 Thread Jason Fisher
You don't want to use the '' inside the CFFILE tag. Try this, assuming #dest# is a variable holding a full file folder path ending with '\': cfif structKeyExists(form, upload) cfloop index=i from=1 to=#Session.numberoffields# step=1 cfset variables.filename =

Re: How to Block Google Analytics code inside a firewall

2009-04-06 Thread Jason Fisher
Use cgi.remote_addr ... that will be the address of the User, rather than the Server. That should do it. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Get request using cfhttp...possible to see the actual URL sent?

2009-04-04 Thread Jason Fisher
Not quite sure what you're after, but if you're using CFHTTP and trying to reconstruct a URL that gets generated from a request, like in the case of a redirect, try this: cfhttp method=GET url=; redirect=No/cfhttp cfset httpURL =

Re: would you consider this a bug, CF8

2009-04-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Definitely not odd, when you think through all the possible use cases. If I build an auto-incrementer that takes in any start date, then I may have a July 28 start, which would indicate that 1 month out must be August 28 and one month back must be June 28. Given that scenario, how would the

Re: POST variables not accessible with clean URL system in IIS 7

2009-04-02 Thread Jason Fisher
At its most basic, GET will populate the URL scope, POST will populate the FORM scope. Is there a reason you can't look to the FORM scope during processing? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: POST variables not accessible with clean URL system in IIS 7

2009-04-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Dunno about the raw Java handler, but it appears that a custom CF 404 handler does have full access to URL, FORM, CGI, etc. I threw together a CF template with this body and called it dsp.404.cfm: h1I am a 404 handler/h1 form action=nofile.cfm method=post input type=Text name=varString

Re: POST variables not accessible with clean URL system in IIS 7

2009-04-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Actually, I had forgotten that my local dev is probably still IIS 5, where this works perfectly. Reproducing the Custom 404 on IIS 6, however, works splendidly *except* that it doesn't pick up the FORM scope at all. Now, that's odd.

re: Coldfusion 8 Server Install

2009-03-31 Thread Jason Fisher
I wouldn't want to guarantee anything, but if you uninstalled the current CF8 multiserver dev version, and left the current CF7 running, then I think a fresh install of CF8 would pick up your CF7 settings and you'd be in business. Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I think that

Re: Unable to load CFX C++ on CF 64 bit

2009-03-31 Thread Jason Fisher
It could be that the CFX you are using were compiled in 16-bit, which we have found to be problematic on 64-bit Citrix. Not sure that CF8 64-bit would have the same issue, but it wouldn't be out of the question. In other words, we have found that 32-bit apps run fine on 64-bit, but 64-bit

Re: Coldfusion 8 Server Install

2009-03-31 Thread Jason Fisher
In that case, it sounds like you may be able to simply add the CF8 Standard license to the current CF8 Dev install. You can stop and disable the CF7 services through the Services console, get everything up and running with CF8, and then uninstall CF7. Should work. If you need to copy

Re: CF8 Enterprise worth the cost? Any experience with it in a virtual environment?

2009-03-26 Thread Jason Fisher
Dan makes a good point about hardware and clustering, although if you do your clustering at the hardware level (that is, a hardware load balancer), then Standard edition where apps utilize Client vars in the DB will serve you quite well.

Re: dynamic variable

2009-03-24 Thread Jason Fisher
You're getting the numeric index, rather than the currency value. Try this, assuming that the database has columns like 'product_price_eur'. for (i=1; i LTE listLen(currencies); i=i+1) { c = listGetAt(currencies, i); product_price_#c# = evaluate('getProduct.product_price_' c);

Re: Typical reason why a website on my server is requiring me to login?

2009-03-22 Thread Jason Fisher
And the new folder in NTFS permissions has access allowed by the local IUSR account? Yep, same as the other sites...anonymous access enabled... Rick ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: Read email contents and enter into database

2009-03-17 Thread Jason Fisher
As Brad notes, messageid is your best bet for uniqueness ... messagenumber is a query column, too, but it changes per request (recalculated based on what's in the folder on the server). If you need a unique value in the DB, I would go with messageid rather than subject, but it sounds like

Re: Sort database records as a human not a computer.

2009-03-16 Thread Jason Fisher
I would agree with Brian and Claude on adding the column for sorting. It would be easy enough to adjust your INSERT / UPDATE calls to auto-create the sort version, like this: cfset sortTitle = replace(reReplaceNoCase(form.title, (A|An|The) (.*), \2, \1), , , all) / UPDATE ... SET title =

re: SQL Syntax error

2009-03-16 Thread Jason Fisher
This is invalid: distinct(count prodcode) Are you trying to do a DISTINCT on the aggregate function COUNT()? Not sure that would work, but it would have to be DISTINCT COUNT(prodcode) if that's what you're after. ~|

Re: SQL Syntax error

2009-03-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Interesting ... COUNT(DISTINCT prodcode) will work, huh? That may come in handy some day. Thanks! ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

re: Sales Report and Output

2009-03-13 Thread Jason Fisher
Not sure of your column names, or where your 'price' value is stored, but I think you want something like what's below. Note that this also will show all your products which may have had '0' orders so far (by using the LEFT join). cfquery name=get_orders datasource=#application.dsn#

Re: Sales Report and Output

2009-03-13 Thread Jason Fisher
Awesome, glad to help! Aggregate functions are your fun and easy friends (SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, GROUP BY) ... good stuff. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free

Re: Select the last n rows in oracle.

2009-03-12 Thread Jason Fisher
How about this, using an expression for the ROWNUM test ... not sure it works, but some variation of this may be worth a try? SELECT stuff FROM aTable WHERE ROWNUM (COUNT(*) - n) ORDER BY query_seq DESC ~| Adobe® ColdFusion®

Re: Select the last n rows in oracle.

2009-03-12 Thread Jason Fisher
No, it shouldn't. There is no subquery, only the aggregate COUNT() function, and that's simply there to get the max number of rows. Max number - n = our starting number for last n, right? so I don't care about sorting within the COUNT(), only the aggregate value. The simple query is still:

Re: Select the last n rows in oracle.

2009-03-12 Thread Jason Fisher
I don't have access to an Oracle database, so, no. Thankfully, I haven't had to develop on Oracle for the past several years, after spending several years splitting my time between Oracle and SQL Server. Seems like it should work, but I can't verify.

Re: Append Arrays with Structures

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
You're setting the value of session.pageList to the string arrayNew(), which is throwing your error. If you're using cfparam then you need the # signs and to create an array you need to specify the number of dimensions (in this case 1): cfparam name=session.pageList default=#arrayNew(1)# /

Re: Append Arrays with Structures

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
As Dominic pointed out above, just do: cfset arrayAppend( session.pageList, structNew() ) / ArrayAppend() returns true / false, not an array. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to

RE: Append Arrays with Structures

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
@Adrian, Interesting question ... can't really think of anything off-hand. From: Adrian Lynch Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:25 AM To: cf-talk Subject: RE: Append Arrays with Structures Out of

Re: Append Arrays with Structures

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
Thanks for the info, Dominic. Seems like that shouldn't make sense ... a Boolean that has no 'off' state, yet it perfectly makes sense that only an exception could be 'false' and exceptions need to be thrown, not simply reported as 'false'. Thanks! Jason

Re: ISO SQL2005 Linked Server Tutorital or Example

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
Jeanmarie, In Billy's example, if the Linked Server (which is a reference to the Access database) is called 'ACCESSNOTES', and if you want to make a SQL Server call to a table called 'NOTES' in that database, the FROM statement would look like this (note the extra .s in there): FROM

re: (ot) Managed Servers vs. Co-Lo Servers

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
In my experience, co-lo is the way to go for ColdFusion installations, simply due to the inexperience of many sysadmins in dealing with CF Admin and all the minor performance tweaks that we tend to become familiar with over time. One downside of co-lo, however, can sometimes be physical

Re: ISO SQL2005 Linked Server Tutorital or Example

2009-03-11 Thread Jason Fisher
3 . is correct. The authentication issue would probably be related to the Linked Server configuration (just a guess), but the fact that you even get an auth error seems to indicate that the 3 . is getting you to an actual DB connection. Basically, not too generalize overly much, the dot

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Jason Fisher
More specifically, what are you going to do with 300,000 ntext fields ... that could potentially be many GB of data, which the server will be holding in active memory. As a general rule, I leave my ntext fields out of any query that's pulling a list of more than a few items.

Re: What the heck is happening during CFQUERY?

2009-03-09 Thread Jason Fisher
IIRC, blockFactor is only relevant on the Oracle drivers, and it refers specifically to how Oracle expects to batch and return large recordsets. If Oracle is allowed to spool out large recordsets without returning them in blocks, it will often spin the DB server out of threads, which then

RE: I give...anything inherently wrong with this code that would cause this error?

2009-03-06 Thread Jason Fisher
So, your function definition has been simplified like the below and it's still throwing the error? cffunction name=fnProcessForm displayname=fnProcessForm hint=Processes Submitted Form output=false access=remote returnType=struct cfargument name=dsn type=string required=Yes /

Re: Form Fields

2009-03-05 Thread Jason Fisher
Or, if you're trying to figure out how to select the value from the database, you may be looking for something like this: form ... cfoutput query=qRecord select name=selList size=1 cfloop query=qData option value=#idValue# cfif qRecord.idValue is idValueselected/cfif#displayValue#/option

Re: Session Variable behaving oddly

2009-03-05 Thread Jason Fisher
You need: cfset SESSION.consumerProduct.Cnsmr_ProductID = Form.Cnsmr_ProductID (without the double quotes ) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Query based on Checkbox clicked/unclicked

2009-03-05 Thread Jason Fisher
cfquery name=qListeners datasource=#request.dsn# SELECT * FROM dbo.#stationName#_listener_list Where (username LIKE cfqueryparam value=%#form.keyword#% cfsqltype=cf_sql_clob OR name LIKE cfqueryparam value=%#form.keyword#% cfsqltype=cf_sql_clob) cfif structKeyExists(form, myCheckBox)

Re: order query object

2009-03-04 Thread Jason Fisher
Dominic makes a good point. To this end, I often find it useful to use my 'sortBy' params as aliases rather than as direct SQL, so something like this: cfargument name=sortBy type=string default=name / cfset var order = / cfswitch expresssion=#arguments.sortBy# cfcase value=id cfset order

Re: Need a new host

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Fisher
I've been real happy with for shared CF hosting. They offer CF8, SQL 2005 (not sure about 2008, but haven't looked into it), and SSL. Just one vote ;) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important

Re: cf tags in query

2009-03-02 Thread Jason Fisher
HTML, of course, will run 'as is'. To get CF to run, you need to execute it, generally with a DE() wrapper, if I recall correctly: cfoutput query=myContentQry #evaluate(de(myContentFieldWithCFTags))# /cfoutput ~| Adobe®

Re: setting a var from Inside cfoutput group

2009-02-27 Thread Jason Fisher
Or, if you don't need to loop the output for any other reason, just do this once, without using CFOUTPUT at all: cfset myList = valueList(n1.n1Id) / ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

re: Inner, Left and Right joins returning the same records AKA Tough SQL relationship part deux

2009-02-26 Thread Jason Fisher
Not quite I sure I follow (sorry, almost out the door here), but I think you just want your aggregate to an entry for every A regardless of B, right? Try making your joins LEFT, and I think you'll have it: ... FROM tableA p LEFT OUTER JOIN tableB e ON (p.use_no = e.use_no AND p.year

Re: Client IP changes on SSL- tricks load balancer

2009-02-25 Thread Jason Fisher
In a hardware load-balanced environment, I have always used Client vars rather than Session. (Just make sure you store them in the DB, not in the Registry.) Basically, the Client vars are a contract between the browser and the application, whereas Session vars are a contract between the

Re: Client IP changes on SSL- tricks load balancer

2009-02-25 Thread Jason Fisher
@Brad, I totally understand that issue of having large / complex session blocks and facing the potential of deep re-work. One thought in that vein, especially thinking forward to the potential performance shocks of running large sessions in memory: you may want to consider pushing more to

Re: cfloop form fields

2009-02-25 Thread Jason Fisher
Try this: cfoutput cfloop from=1 to=7 index=i cfset variables[F_Name#i#] = Form[L_Name i] #variables[F_Name#i#]# br / /cfloop /cfoutput I think that's what you're looking for. I used variables scope simply to more easily use the struct

Re: Tough SQL relationship

2009-02-25 Thread Jason Fisher
Not sure about what the record_with_dups is exactly supposed to represent, but it looks like you want something along these lines: SELECT a.county, a.rec_type, COUNT(a.use_no) AS records, COUNT(b.dup_set) AS record_with_dups FROM [Table A] AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN [Table B] AS b ON a.use_no =

Re: cfsavecontent usage not quite right

2009-02-24 Thread Jason Fisher
You're not doing anything wrong, any system that tries to import the CSV will automatically assume that every comma is a field delimiter, just like it's supposed to do. If you have content with commas in, you'll have to pick a different field delimiter, like Tab or pipe (|). Example with

Re: Mailing Label Solutions

2009-02-23 Thread Jason Fisher
Highly recommend the Dymo LabelWriter printers. (No, there is no commercial relationship here, I just use their printers.) I've got a CF app pushing labels through from the browser to the local machine using the ActiveX that comes installed with the printer driver for the LabelWriter 400

Re: The command code was 0 ... What's best Priactice around this?

2009-02-23 Thread Jason Fisher
This should do it: SELECT max(nl_mailgroups.ml_id) as ml_id, max(nl_mailgroups.ml_firstname) as ml_firstname, max(nl_mailgroups.ml_lastname) as ml_lastname, max(nl_mailgroups.other) as other, nl_mailgroups.ml_email FROM nl_mailgroups INNER JOIN

Re: Mailing Label Solutions

2009-02-23 Thread Jason Fisher
Definitely more difficult if you're limited on the printer side. What I like about the Dymo's isn't just the printer, but the label software, which reads the label type and didn't require any use of HTML or CSS ... I literally set the label template up in Dymo's own software and then just fed

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