Re: 2 Selected Boxes not posting with rest of form?

2005-10-21 Thread Jason Lemahieu
Just a guess, but something to check: The second one has no options in it. The first one may or may not have options in it, depending on the query. I wouldn't be suprised if a select box with no options wouldn't post. ~|

User's Browser: gibberish

2005-08-16 Thread Jason Lemahieu
I have gotten a couple error reports today which identified the user's browser as very odd strings. Any ideas on either what this means or what's going wrong? User's Browser: ƒƒ User's Browser: h j‹X¾‹ User's Browser: e‹ ‰ User's Browser: t Some of these are pasting here

Re: variables... to prefix or not to prefix

2004-12-13 Thread Jason Lemahieu
I generally do this when I'm working with arrays of structures and crap, like: arrMonth[31] = structDay; Way back in college, (6 months ago), we used to do it for everything - but it mattered a lot more when we were using very strictly typed languages.

Re: List Contains

2004-11-16 Thread Jason Lemahieu
articleID - articleRelations 1 3,14,33 2 3,4,12 3 11,1,2 4 7,8,5 5 7,8 The problem with this, is 1) that you're still storing a list, and 2) you will have either redundant or inconsistent information. Meaning, article 1 says it is related to 3, and 3 says it is

Survey Creation Application

2004-10-25 Thread Jason Lemahieu
We're looking to make our own application that lets people create surveys - similar to Zoomerang ( We've played around with possible DB schemas and it just seems to get more and more complicated. I was wondering if any of you have tried implementing such an application, or

Re: JavaScript Enabled Stats

2004-10-14 Thread Jason Lemahieu
This idea rules -thanks!I had never thought of this, but played with a bit and could find myself using it a decent amount. You could use JS to load an image that's really a CFM page -- new Image().src = "" . You would embed code to add the record (set to notEnabled) in your page, and add code to

JavaScript Enabled Stats

2004-10-13 Thread Jason Lemahieu
I want to find out about how many of our users have _javascript_ enabled.I think it'll be like 99%, but would like to know if it is, in fact, something like 75%. I can make a simple database that stores 2 values (Enabled, notEnabled) to update with each session, but I'm not sure how to exactly

Flash Versioning Middle Page

2004-09-21 Thread Jason Lemahieu
There is a subsection of an application which requires the newest Flash components.To check for the components I made a blank Flash movie and used its built in version tester which redirects to either the graphing section, or to a page that says: You need new components. Click here. And it all

Re: A Quick Question - Javascript

2004-08-25 Thread Jason Lemahieu
Hello everyone, Using _javascript_, I want to display numbers from 1 to 5 such that numbers are ordered randomly on each page refresh and none of the number is repeated. e.g first refresh 1,3,4,2,5 second refesh 2,3,5,1,2 etc etc Any help is appreciated. Thanks How about something like

Re: Best Practice - Forms

2004-07-29 Thread Jason Lemahieu
You could also generate the ID for the record on the page where they enter data, and pass it to the page that processes it.This way, you can first see if the record exists (yes = update, no = create).You may end up with IDs that get selected and not used, but such is life. [Todays Threads]

Re: Small query question..

2004-07-28 Thread Jason Lemahieu
cfquery name=charting datasource=#dsn# SELECT * FROM #tablename# WHERE ORDER by date LIMIT 31 /cfquery I don't use MySQL so maybe this is not the case, but don't you need to say something like: WHERE myDateColumn =, rather than just WHERE ? Or does MySQL