Hi folks...I'm a real rookie at CF and have what may be a really simple
problem in retrieving and outputting dynamic data...I need to create an
interactive HTML calendar, where within each date area there needs to appear
several items of information linked to a database....

 ...so for example within a <td> cell that might represent June 13 we need
to output a string that represents a session time (like "12 noon",
represented in the Sessions database table as "sessionStartTime") as well as
a caption that describes what kind of session it is (like "Gourmet Coffee
Club", "sessionType") and a number which represents the current number of
available spaces still open to be booked (just a number like "7", to be
calculated on the HTML page by subtracting the current value of
"sessionBooked" from "sessionCapacity") and also perhaps a caption that can
be added to the <td> cell to describe the overall current status of that
session (like "open" or "filled" or "closed for Mothers Day",
"sessionCaption")...there are some other fields in the Sessions table as
well, including a sessionDate field and an auto-number sessionID field...

....so after creating a main query on the calander HTML page asking the db
for all appropriate records and all appropriate fields from the Sessions
table, I guess I thought I could just put some logic like this into a given
<td> cell: "find the record in the main query where sessionDate equals "June
13", then please output the corresponding values of that record for
sessionStartTime, sessionType, and sesssionCaption inside this <td>
cell"...but I now don't see how I can effectively create a dynamic variable
that would to that...I guess I would be asking the data in the main query to
re-arrange itself for me, which perhaps it was not meant to do...

....then I thought maybe a query of query might be the answer, since it seems
that this construct is made so you CAN re-arrange the data of a main query
already there...but then I thought, this might mean that I would have to
create a new query of query for EACH set of information in the calendar...so
I make a main query, then within each <td> cell I make a QofQ designating
the "where" clause to specify the value of the sessionDate field...then it
seems I could tell CF to output the corresponding values of that particular
record into that cell, by using the "QofQname.sessionCaption" kind of dot
syntax...but would I then have to write forty or fifty or sixty of these
QofQ's for every month, one or more in every date cell of the calendar?
....besides being a pain to write and to keep track of, wouldn't that slow my
web page down to a crawl?...

....it seems that for so simple a task (?) there should be some more
parsimonious approach...any suggestions?...thanks much!

John Petroshius
Prairie Studio
Oakton College

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