Anyone seen this before??

I have a small registration application comprised of three pages of forms
that collect user info, travel info and activity info). The form values are
pushed into session variables between forms and stay there until the very
end when I commit them to a database. I also have some hand coded JavaScript
for form validation that Cold Fusion doesn't provide (select lists and check
box stuff) but the JavaScript is all working properly.

Internet Exploder is having some trouble when I hit the 'Back' button of the
browser between the three forms and it proceeds to crash. I get an error
message written to the log which states the following:

The application, iexplore.exe, generated an application error 
The error occurred on 04/05/2001 @ 13:05:18.328 
The exception generated was c0000005 at address 77E8557F (SetFilePointer) 

Netscape is not having these problem when the 'Back' button of the browser
is used anywhere is the application.

This app is still on my machine behind a firewall so I can't send you a URL.

Joyce E. Evans
Web Systems Developer

Spectra Logic Corporation
1700 North 55th Ave
Boulder, CO  80301
303-449-6444 x1319

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