Another option is to call the sp_start_job stored procedure.
> You should be able to run it using CFEXECUTE to run an app called
> DTEXEC.exe. Check out the docs here:
Check out this article:
"Implementing the nested set model in ColdFusion"
>Hi there,
>I have the following category table which utilises a nested set model...
>CREATE TABLE [dbo].[categories] (
> [cat_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT N
For an example of this check out the sample application.
( It implements the Abstract
Factory pattern as described here
Using the same architecture my b
>Can you point to some CFC doc tools?
Since you're asking, I'll plug my tool, CFC.Doc (
CFC.Doc generates offline documentation in HTML, .CHM, and PDF formats that you
can distribute and/or use in your favorite IDE (Studio/Homesite/DW/Eclipse).
And, you can get a f
>Mathmetically, I don't think anyone can ever "complete the offer",
>because there are ALWAYS new invitees at the end of the chain who have
>not completed their offer.
> - Rick
Check this article on how these programs work
Wired seems to conf
>I'm hearing about Cloudscape/Derby as a reasonable database alternative to
>MySQL etc. Is anyone here using it? Comments on performance? Scalability?
>Stability? Features?
With Tracking-Tools, I offer it as one of the the supported database options
(MSSQL, MYSQL, Oracle, and Cloudscape/Derby).
Interested in a portable CFML dev enviroment that fits on a USB drive? Check
Logware: a new and convenient web-based time trackin
> From MM
> "With ColdFusion MX, you can already deploy ColdFusion as a Java
> archive (EAR or WAR file) and then manually deploy your application
> separately on top of ColdFusion. In Blackstone you will now be able to
> build a single EAR or WAR file that contains both your application and
>> FYI for those of you interested in learning about ANT -
>> specifically as it applies to CF Developers, there'll be an
>> article about that very topic in the Feb. issue of CFDJ.
>> Just thought I'd mention that.
>I'm pretty sure there has already been an article about Ant in CFDJ.
I'm in. Thanks.
>Found the problem. It worked in Mozilla but not in IE (JS issue). I've fixed
>it and you should be able to get in now without a problem.
>> I go to to sign in and
>> it just bounces me back to the sign in form. I have the co
I go to to sign in and
it just bounces me back to the sign in form. I have the correct
username/password because I had it emailed to me. I tried with Firefox
and IE on Win with no luck. Any ideas?
I've been meaning to look more into ASP.NET but never seem to get around to it.
One mental hurdle for me is the last I looked it seemed like you had to write
a bunch of code to do simple queries. Nothing as simple/elegant as .
If it really took you 15 minutes, would you consider using Camtas
I think your assumption to "re-spend the same amount of money" is a false one.
I recommend you at least take the time to fire off an email to their sales to
discuss your options (to manage upfront costs). I think you may be pleasantly
As for BS, promises are well just promises. U
>We using "tracking tools" by Phil Cruz. It's commercial but doesn't cost
>very much (70$ I think). It's fusebox. I don't know how you feel about that
>but it does make it fairly and easy to plug and modify. We've added a
>customer facing p
>Anyone know of a good CF based bug tracker using a DB for storage? MN is
>using Raymond's Lighthouse but it has a slight problem when you have several
>hundred bugs stored in memory. I have to either convert the whole thing to
>DB or find something else.
>Raymond, do you have a DB version of th
>I have a client whose application we have developed over the past
>three years. It operates as a web-based services for his customers,
>taking data entry and displaying calculated analysis of the data.
>He now has a customer who, for security reasons, wishes to have a
>private installa
> With school budgets ever so tightening, my child's school is having a
> problem with getting the funds together as well volunteers for their
> annual yearbook. I was thinking hey put it online, but then no one can
> actually save it or have a copy to get people to sign. But if it were
> on li
He could be talking about a custom session management scheme. I have used rsession
( previous (CF5) projects in order to avoid
having to lock session vars and to support non-sticky sessions in clusters.
>What Barney said is dead-on. I am a total z
>I'm curious who is using Mach-II...
>Documentation and examples seems to be very minimal.
The latest version of Tracking-Tools ( uses Mach-II. I host
the site which has a list of other (big) sites using Mach-II. The
list is
>A while back someone was discussing a standalone CF Runtime app, anyone
>remember the name and url?
Tracking Tools is a bug tracking application that runs an embedded CF engine using BlueDragon. You can download the demo application at
[Todays Threads]
The sample application available on implements an SOA like Sean describes.
Tracking Tools, which I just released as v1.1 (, used to be an FB3 app and I converted to Mach-II using SOA. I hope to release the Flash client for it in the future.
In a windows .bat file you can do
start ""
and it will launch the browser to that page. What is the equivalent script on Linux and/or Mac?
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In a windows .bat file you can do
start ""
and it will launch the browser to that page. What is the equivalent script on Linux and/or Mac?
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getpagecontext.forward() doesn't seem to pass on form variables.
Can anyone confirm this is in the bug base and has/has not been fixed with the most recent service pack.
>I successfully implemented the getpagecontext.forward() method in one
>of my applications and it worked great.
>Is there an "already built" bug tracking system developed in cf
>1. for sale?
>2. shareware?
>3. open source?
>ready for us to purchase and use?
>Ttools was one, some time ago, is that still around?
Yep. Go to
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I've started using Canoo WebTest which is an extension of JUnit. It's for testing at the web application level rather than unit testing. You would do this in addition to unit testing but you can do things like define test scenarios to submit a form for user registration.
I've done this. Basically you need to use cf_httprequest because of problem with cfhttp and ssl. get it from here
then it's just a matter of posting partnerid, login and password to
parse the resp
t;Subject: RE: project/bug management system
>Tim, some time ago Phil Cruz was offering a Fusebox 3.0 Bug Tracking system
>called "TTOOLS" which we purchased a license for, it was not too expensive
>and helps us but I can't locate it on the web. His email in our
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
I just ran across a bug with NS7 where it appends the file ext of the
template to the end of the filename to be downloaded. So if you have a
download.cfm template like
and the filename is "inst
> Interesting, does it work?
> Or perhaps the better question is does it work well?
I wrote an article/review about BlueDragon that is in this month's CF Developer's
Journal. You can see the article online at
I've worked with UPS Worldship before. I don't believe you can call Worldship to get
shipping prices into CF. What I have done with it is exported order records from the
CF app to Worldship to generate the shipping manifests.
-Phil offers several online stats calculators that are all done in CF. Check
This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for
I've developed a web-based bug tracker that runs on Windows with CF5.x/CFMX. It has
support for multiple projects with sub-projects, user and group security, feature
tracking. I'm looking to release version 1 towards the end of the month. Contact me
if you would like to more info. Anyone in
I'm using the resendundeliverablemail4.cfm tag to handle undelivered
mail. It is moving mail to the spool fine. However, it has the function
to check the lastModified date of the email and if it's greater than a
certain value it will email the administrator and move the mail to a
"failed" fo
I'm calling CFPOP like
and displaying the query as
I'm seeing that on some messages the mail.attachments column has
"d:\http\server\test\802 UNABLE TO SAVE TO FILE". The file 802 will be
created but 0 k in size. Permissions doesn't seem to be an issue because
with some messages the att
As soon as I hit the send button I figured it out
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I'm writing a tag that uses subtags. I tend to call custom tags with
syntax because if you are in shared environment you
don't have to worry about installing the tags in the customTags directory
and I tend to have tags that nest.
My issue is that I'm finding the if I call the tags as
I've used the following code to generate page breaks in html:
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 09:57:09 -0500
From: "sam komolafe"
Subject: PRINTING with Page Breaks
Message-ID: <007301bfd222$fc6f5920$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi guys,
Is there any way in ColdF
38 matches
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