insert error

2007-05-25 Thread danielk
>> Oh man, how simple. >Do I need to say that cfqueryparam takes care of that for you ? Sure, point out that it would've been easy for me to do that ;-) Thing is, I was just trying to do a one-time move of data from a text file to a database and then was going to not use the code again. Th

insert error

2007-05-25 Thread danielk
>Use to_date(#datevar#,'DD-MON-) replaceing >#datvar# wtht he variable creating that time stamp. I originally had it that way, mainly cause to_date was something that I learned recently and I wanted to use my new trick and solidify it in my head - it also would've have been much simpler. I

query of query - clob error

2007-05-18 Thread danielk
I have a nice little query of query going (brilliant little tool query of queries are). Unfortunately, it seems that if my SELECT specifies a field that's a CLOB, then I receive an error. Here's the error: Query Of Queries runtime error. Unsupported SQL type "java.sql.Types.CLOB". Oddly, If I

Oracle Table clarity

2007-01-19 Thread danielk
I want to check that I'm doing this right. The second ON DELETE CASCADE, it'll enact when a people(id) entry is deleted? So IOW, when an id from the table people is deleted, any table entries from notes_to_the_record_shared that are related to this people id will also be deleted. create t

sort getMetaData

2006-12-08 Thread danielk
I do a getMetaData on a return from a query. It gives me an array with a struct (IsCaseSensitive,Name,typeName) in each space. I want to sort that array by the struct attribute "Name". In other words, I want these structs alphabetically sorted by name within the array. I've not figured out

Query WHERE separation

2006-12-01 Thread danielk
I have a search that builds a query. It only returns records on the users ID, so I want it to always require that ID be in the record. Then I build a few AND or OR statements by which fields are selected. With the AND, all is fine, but with the OR, it returns records of other IDs cause it'

reading parent form variables

2006-05-19 Thread danielk
I have a page with an iframe. That iframe has a form. The action/target on the form replaces the _parent when it submits and goes to a feedback page: On the feedback page there is an iframe. The parent variables can be seen by CF using