But .... How much you want to bet Windows has a way for someone to
accomplish this?   ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Imp Atten: New Virus Info

> >Actually that's not exactly true. Files can be queued for deletion when
> >are no longer being shared (used). A file can also delete itself in this
> >fashion (that's why you are asked to reboot after you uninstall certian
> >software programs). You could have all your files queued up and once you
> >reboot, they would be gone. I've never actually seen something like this
> >action but it is theoretically possible.
> Well, to be accurate, command.com would have to be able to delete itself,
> wouldn't it? Not that I'm going to try delete it to check.... Besides, the
> deletion method that you're talking about would require windows, since it
> is windows that controls the deletion. That would still be programs
> necessary to delete the virus.
> But I think this topic is pretty much dead anyway.

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