It figures.

It appears that the root of the problem is Siteminder, which is used
here for authentication. Which is hosted on a completely different
server, in a completely different building, and managed by a completely
different group.

I suppose the first clue was when no errors appeared in the ColdFusion
logs or IIS logs.

The wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly, but it'll be managed. It's
completely out of my hands anyway.

Thanks all for your help.

-----Original Message-----
Searched and Google and wasn't able to find anything.
I'm working on a small intranet application that has a module where
users can upload files, generally PDFs.
Some of these PDFs can be quite large. In fact, on anything larger than
about 2.4MB, the web server throws a 500 error.
We're using a multipart form. This is a government installation, so
other options are limited. Third-party applets are right out. FTP is
almost certainly NOT an option (as if we could educate the users how to
use THAT).
It seems sure that the problem is with IIS, since it's throwing the
error, not ColdFusion. ("Then why are you posting here?" "Bear with
In a support call with Microsoft, our server guys were walked through
changing an ASP setting and were then able to upload a larger file via
an HTTP POST on an ASP page.
So, of course, the problem must now be ColdFusion. *sigh*
Servers are Win2K3 and IIS 6.0. As far as I know, no SPs have been
applied. CFMX 7.01.
I am SURE that at least a few of you on this list have encountered this
sort of thing before.
I've used HTTP POST to upload files larger than 2.5MB elsewhere, so I
don't know where this artificial limit is coming from. Everything works
fine for smaller files.
It does not appear to be a timeout issue, as the server comes back
instantly with the 500 error.
Any suggestions I should make to the server guys? Any options for code
that I can try? Any CF settings that I might be overlooking?

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