Not to keep this going but I have observed one other problem.

when you deploy a project and it scrolls through line by line the speed at
which it deploys changes if you drag the results window away from the bottom
of CF Studio  

An example I did was to minimize the window to one line of text and it took
10 sec  then I almost maxed out the window and it to 1min and 1 sec  Then I
minimized it to where you could not see the text and it took 9 sec?

What is up with this?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Lancelot [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:25 PM
> To:   CF-Talk
> Subject:      RE: CF Studio 4.5.2 Memory Leak?
> >-----Original Message-----
> >> CFSTUIDO 4.5.2 is not the most stable app in the world, and is
> >> very easy to
> >> crash (try closing a window with JS in the internal browser - and watch
> >> those error messages!!!)
> >I'm sorry, but "Well DUH!" - how are you meant to close a window that's
> >built in to the system?
> Of course I'd not expect it to work - but I would expect it to gracefully
> inform you, instead of crashing quite so dramatically - I laughed reading
> the error messages you get...
> I'd expect it to popup something like "You really are a thick T*** - do
> you
> really expect to be able to do that within studio"
> Just a little bit more  basic exception handling would be nice..
> >> Also - since upgrading to IE 5.5, memory usage seems to have gone
> through
> >> the roof... oten using over 50MB within a few hours of booting...
> >We've had to dump IE5.5 from most of our machines as it's so hungry -
> >combine that with WindowsMe and you've got a REAL winner...
> Arggghhhh...
> I'm on NT4 with 128mb at work - and generally it takes about 1.5 days
> between reboots...
> I'm on 2000 at home with IE5 and 384Mb, and generally the only  time I
> need
> to reboot is when I install / uninstall some old S/W - my system is often
> up
> for weeks at a time...
> I was going to upgrade to IE5.5 at home - but I think I might give it a
> miss
> now...
> I really dont like win9x (ME inc) at all...
> Had to install single user CF Server and PWS on a 98 laptop for a client
> yesterday - should have taken max 1/2 hour - but due to win98 crashing at
> 99.9% of the way through installing CF, in total I installed it 4 times
> (and
> removed it 3 times).
> Add to that, as soon as the machine tried to restart, it fatally locked up
> -
> and no task manager to kill the problem tasks - had to powerdown and
> restart
> (scandisk found an error on the disk at least once on reboot...)
> If I had my own way - all the machines would have 2k on them... although I
> might have a job on my laptop (cyrix 586 120 with 16Mb ram and a 750Mb
> HD....!)
> >*** Standard Joke time ***
> >The only way you could call Studio 4.5.2 stable is if you put a horse in
> it!
> Not bad :)
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