I'm using <cfcontent> to present PDF files to the user. Process works
perfectly in Mozilla FireFox. Of course, MSIE is a different beast.

This is the code I'm using:

file="#variables.pdfFileNameWithPath#" deletefile="No">

I also have the links as "showFile.cfm?a=foo/#fileName#.pdf" which I
found on another forum, posted by Jochem van Dieten IIRC. The
"/#fileName#.pdf" passes the actual filename to the "Save As" dialog box
in MSIE. Or at least, it did.

I'm thinking some recent MSIE bug patch is what's causing this, but when
I'm using MSIE to open a PDF in this manner, I get prompted to Open or
Save the file. Opening it just opens "showFile.cfm" (shows PDF source)
unless I specifically choose to open it with Adobe Acrobat. Saving it
saves the file as "showFile.cfm". Renaming it to "showFile.pdf" displays
it correctly in Acrobat.

Is there any way to get this to correctly (automatically) open in the
Acrobat plugin for MSIE? Is anyone else having this problem?


Adrian J. Moreno
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