I'm running CF5 on Win2k Server with IIS5.

We're consolidating a number of web sites into a single site.  I have IIS' 
404 error handler for the old web sites pointing at a CF page.  The CF 
page does some processing and redirects the browser to a page on the new 
site by using HTTP headers.

I also want this CF template to generate a simple robots.txt file for the 
old web sites so that they're eventually removed from external search 
engines.  The easiest way to do this seems to be with the CFCONTENT tag to 
serve up a text file.

<cfcontent type="text/plain" file="#ExpandPath('.')#\r.txt">

The contents of r.txt:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

The above file has a CR/LF at the end of each line, so is exactly 28 
characters long.  I'm using wfetch to test this and I see a content-length 
header being set to 28 characters.  But what is happening is that I'm also 
getting an extra CR/LF pair returned at the end of the file.  Wfetch shows 
an error due to the "extra" data being returned.  I'm not sure whether 
this will cause a problem, but it's not definitely not right.  Is this a 
known bug?

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