I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this issue.

Use the following code to get files from the server for end users

<cfset mimeType = getPageContext().getServletContext().getMimeType(folder & 
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="Attachment; filename=#filename#">
<cfheader name="Expires" value="#Now()#">
<cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#fileInfo.size#">
<cfcontent type="#mimeType#" file="#folder##filename#" deletefile="No">

It works fine however, I do not see the 'Always ask for this type of file' 
check box, it's missing. The type of file is noted as is the size in the dialog 
box. These files come from out side the web root, in an unshared folder with 
permissions to 'read' for 'Everyone', though I don't grant direct access in 
anyway to everyone.

However if I do a direct link to a file in a folder in the web root or virtual 
dir on the web server, the 'Always ask for this type of file' check box is 

Ever seen this? Know what it means? I need it to be consistent everywhere so 
the users of the intranet can uncheck the box. Header info I'm missing?

Server 2008 R2-64bit / IIS7.5
IE 7.0.5

Thanks for your thoughts,

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