Right well I worked out how to do it! As nobody on this list knows how to do 
it I thought I would share the answer!
To have more than one select binding to a cfgrid just add actionscript to 
the cfgrid. By trial and error I worked out that you do the following:
On the cfgrid(this uses three cfselects):
   <cfgrid name="UsersGrid" format="Flash"
         query="qNames" rowheaders="No"
         onchange="for (var i:Number = 0; i<state.length; i++) {if 
(state.getItemAt([i]).data == UsersGrid.selectedItem.state) 
state.selectedIndex = i} for (var i:Number = 0; i<meetingtime.length; i++) 
{if (meetingtime.getItemAt([i]).data == UsersGrid.selectedItem.meetingtime) 
meetingtime.selectedIndex = i}
for (var i:Number = 0; i<dept.length; i++) {if (dept.getItemAt([i]).data == 
UsersGrid.selectedItem.dept) dept.selectedIndex = i}
for (var i:Number = 0; i<city.length; i++) {if (city.getItemAt([i]).data == 
UsersGrid.selectedItem.city) city.selectedIndex = i}">

On the cfselect:
<cfselect name="dept" width="200" size="1" label="Dept." 
onchange="UsersGrid.dataProvider.editField(UsersGrid.selectedIndex, 'dept', 
<option value="None">None</OPTION>
<option value="Cundinamarca">Cundinamarca</OPTION>
<option value="Antioquia">Antioquia</OPTION>
<option value="Boyaca">Boyaca</OPTION>
<option value="Sucre">Sucre</OPTION>
<option value="Atlantico">Atlantico</OPTION>

To add a new cfselect  just add in the onchange between the "" the 

for (var i:Number = 0; i<state.length; i++) {if (state.getItemAt([i]).data 
== UsersGrid.selectedItem.state) state.selectedIndex = i} for (var i:Number 
= 0; i<meetingtime.length; i++) {if (meetingtime.getItemAt([i]).data == 
UsersGrid.selectedItem.meetingtime) meetingtime.selectedIndex = i}

change the field in this example "state" to your field name.

Watch out for upper and lower case-actionscript is case sensitive although 
cf isn´t

Hope that helps someone out there as it was a nightmare for me working it 

>From: "Ed Goodson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: cf-talk@houseoffusion.com
>To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>Subject: Anyone?! Does anybody know about cfforms? Should be simple!
>Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 13:56:32 +0000
>I can output and change dynamic data in cfforms fine using cfgrid
>and on Change actionscript on cfinputs and cfselects (cfinput like this):
><cfinput type="text" name="UPDATED" label="UPDATED"
>'UPDATED', UPDATED.text);">
>I am just wondering how and if it is possible to output the value
>dynamically as in the code above but without it being a cfinput or
>cfselect field (like a cfoutput which doesn´t work in cfforms format
>How would I output the value above? With cfscript and actionscript or do I
>have to make
>the cfinput type="hidden", save the value to a variable and output like
>that? CFScript?
>Thanks for any pointers
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