We have a case where previous contractors have created a customized version
of the CFGrid form element, then implemented it through Applets.  I'm
looking for information on how to work with this applet in this manner.

A snippet of code follows:

<applet name="MyGrid" code="com.nomatterware.controls.ourGridFormApplet"
codebase="#App.BaseURL#/GLOBAL/JAVA" archive="ourgrid.jar" mayscript
height=145 width=230>
        <param name="griddescription"
        <param name="griddata" VALUE="#convertForGrid(MyQueryObject,
        <param name="endeditdomcallback" VALUE="endEditDisplay">

The biggest question we have is how do we come up with the value for the
"griddescription" parameter?  And is it possible to dynamically add a
column?  Currently, we need to modify the number of columns the grid
displays (with the appropriate header, and visible/hidden property) but are
not having any luck.  (we know the first number of GridDescription is the
column count, but changing it seems to break the applet).

I'm hoping someone can point me to an online resource on this, and the
possible parameters for the applet.  We'd rather not have to
reverse-engineer the java code.

Thanks in advance.

Shawn Grover
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