
I am having some trouble using wddx to create a java variable.
we are using the dhtml edit control for a user to add their own news and storing it in 
a database. when they want to edit their news we then query the database and insert 
the entry back into the control using a javascript 
set statement. we are moving all of our code to a new server running  Cold Fusion MX 
Version: 6,1,0,63958, from a server running CF5 (where it has been working with the 
same code)

here is the syntax of the wddx statement.

<script language="javascript">
<cfwddx action = "WDDX2JS" input = "#wddxvar#" topLevelVariable = "VARFROMWDDX">

when you view source what you see is the code below. it has added the \n for new line. 
but it has left the carriage returns in? which of course caused the variable setting 
to bomb
since its on multiple lines.

---------------------View Source Sample---------------------------
<script language="javascript">
VARFROMWDDX = "<TABLE style='WIDTH: 214px; HEIGHT: 27px' cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 
\n  <TBODY>
\n  <TR>
\n    <TD><FONT face=Verdana color=blue size=2><STRONG>Documentum Users Group 
\n      Meeting -</STRONG> <FONT color=black>Monday, 9/29 from 12-12:30 in the HP 
\n      Annex.</FONT>  <FONT color=black>More Info 
\n  later!</FONT></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
\n<TABLE style='WIDTH: 213px; HEIGHT: 27px' cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=213 
\n  <TBODY>
\n  <TR>
\n    <TD><FONT face=Verdana><FONT size=2><FONT color=crimson><FONT 
\n      face='Times New Roman' color=red size=3><STRONG>Security Threat <FONT 
\n      color=black>-</FONT> </STRONG><FONT size=3><FONT 
\n      face='Times New Roman'><FONT color=black>A new computer worm, called Swen, 
\n      pretends to be an urgent message from Microsoft or a delivery failure 
\n      notice. It includes an attachment that it claims is a vital patch for your 
\n      computer system. The subject and body of the email varies. 
\n      Do NOT open the attachment. Delete the 
\n      email.</FONT> </FONT></FONT></FONT>
\n      <P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt'>This virus 
\n      affects Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, 
\n      Windows Server 2003, Windows 
\n<TABLE style='WIDTH: 214px; HEIGHT: 46px' cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=214 
\n  <TBODY>
\n  <TR>
\n    <TD><STRONG><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Continue to leave your PC turned on 
\n      and locked (CTL-ALT-DEL) when not in 

---------------------End View Source Sample---------------------

any suggestions would be appreciated
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