Converting a CFSCRIPT function to a CFFUNCTION function

2008-03-04 Thread Don
Have a requirement to convert a function written with CFFUNCTION format into CFSCRIPT function format. Is there anything around that can automate this process? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important

RE: Converting a CFSCRIPT function to a CFFUNCTION function

2008-03-04 Thread Dave Watts
Have a requirement to convert a function written with CFFUNCTION format into CFSCRIPT function format. Is there anything around that can automate this process? No, but if it's a single function it shouldn't take too long. However, CFSCRIPT doesn't support everything that CFFUNCTION can do

CFscript function

2005-10-26 Thread Ken
Hi. I am new to CFC. Can someone help me convert this function from cfscript to CFML? cfscript /** * Returns the day of the month(1-31) of an Nth Occurrence of a day (1-sunday,2-monday etc.)in a given month. * * @param NthOccurrence A number representing the nth occurrence.1-5. * @param

Re: CFscript function

2005-10-26 Thread Alan Rother
This should work, but I didn't test it cffunction access=public name=GetNthOccOfDayInMonth output=No returntype=any !--- Args [ASR] --- cfargument name=NthOccurrence required= type= cfargument name=TheDayOfWeek required= type= cfargument name=TheMonth required= type= cfargument name=TheYear

Re: CFscript function

2005-10-26 Thread Alan Rother
Ooppps... I missed a couple of things in the arguments setup. This should work. cffunction access=public name=GetNthOccOfDayInMonth output=No returntype=any !--- Args [ASR] --- cfargument name=NthOccurrence required=Yes type=string cfargument name=TheDayOfWeek required=Yes type=string