I cannot seem to figure this out.

I have a table called dirs. It has columns named: dirID, dirPath and 

The parentDirID handles the hierarchy.

All I need to do is have a cfselect that lists all the dirPaths but defaults to 
the parentDirID of the selected dir.

Here is the code:

<cfquery name="getAll" datasource="pcap">

        SELECT dirID, dirPath
    FROM dirs
    WHERE status = '1'
    ORDER BY dirPath


<cfquery name="getCurrent" datasource="pcap">

        SELECT parentDirID
    FROM dirs
    WHERE dirID = '#url.dirID#'



<cfselect name="parentID" query="getAll" display="dirPath" value="dirID" 


I know I have done stuff like this before but I think it is getting confused 
(or I am getting confused) because it is in the same table.

Any help on this would be great.


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