Hi all, hows things. Good? Great! 

* If you don't know about literate programming,
* skip the next couple of paragraphs for an explanation.

I was `turned onto' literate programming at University using noweb (and some
extentions I wrote for it) mainly with C . Anyway I would love to be able to
apply literate programming tools and principles to my cold fusion application
writing, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. I write in fusebox
and I know of fusedoc but I don't think it goes far enough, I would like to be
able to produce nicely formatted implementation documentation for every inch
a project - not just a brief over-view of each fuse.

Has anybody tried, succeeded or failed in an attempt to write CF in a literate
style, and if so what tools, techniques and tricks did you use, write or learn
in doing so ?

Ideally I'd like to use tools to allow me to write literately in Studio and
then generate LaTex (or HTML would be OK too) documentation from the source.

* Explanation - if you know about literate programming you need not read this
* next paragraph.

For the un-initiated, literate programming [LP] is a means (invented by the
computer scientists god - Knuth himself) by which "the program is the
documentation" (and vica versa), basically as you write a program you write
(implementational) documentation about your program in the same files (the
method for doing this varies from LP system to LP system and may or may not
(the way I prefer) require intermediate weaving step(s) to produce an actual
program from the single file). This enables you to describe every little bit
source code as you write it which can then be turned into a nice documentation
collection for future reference (when things go bad :-) ). There are a number
of LP
systems around, noweb, nuweb and cweb come to mind instantly.
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