Sorry if you got this already but since not a soul replied (are there no
Southern CA, IE CF'ers out there?? :-() I'm trying again, my first post was
right before a mail server hiccup I think so maybe the message got
bamboozled somewhere.

I'm interested in starting a CFUG in the Inland Empire area of Southern CA
(Riverside, Corona area) I've got a place to hold the meetings in Corona but
would like to gauge interest, since there's no point in trying to get one
started if I'm the only one out here interested. That way for those living
in Corona, Riverside and beyond the meetings are at least on the way home
rather than hanging out in Irvine until 6:30 then driving home at 9:30 10pm.

If you have any questions or just want to raise your hand in the I'm in
column email me off list so I can keep better tabs.

Thanks a lot.


John Wilker
Web Applications Consultant
Macromedia Certified ColdFusion Developer

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