I have a related problem -- how do I make sure that pressing enter in an
input box submits the form -- it doesn't seem to do that after I replaced
the submit button with a <button> button...
Hugo Ahlenius
Hugo Ahlenius E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Officer Phone: +46 8 230460
UNEP GRID-Arendal Fax: +46 8 230441
Stockholm Office Mobile: +46 733 467111
WWW: http://www.grida.no
---- Original Message ----
From: "cf coder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 13:51
Subject: how to submit a form by pressing enter - bit complicated!
| Hello Everybody,
| Can I just say that I've looked everywhere to find a
| solution to this problem and have failed.
| I am posting my code and would really appreciate if
| someone could help. I have two forms in my page each
| contained in a div tag. Actually the second form is
| called from a iframe from within a div tag. You will
| understand it after you've seen the code.
| <script language="_javascript_" type="text/_javascript_">
| <!--
| function mouseaction_next()
| {
| if(document.newcall.cust_login.value != ""){
| window.userdetailsIframe.location.href ="">
| "/pages/userdetails.cfm?userDetails="+document.newcall.cust_login.value;
| }
| }
| -->
| </script>
| <form name="newcall" id="newcall" action="">
| method="get">
| <div id="div1" style="z-index:2; position:absolute;
| left:45px; top:27px; visibility:visible;">
| <table>
| <tr>
| <td valign="middle">
| Enter Login ID:
| </td>
| <td valign="middle">
| <input id="cust_login" name="cust_login"
| type="text">
| </td>
| <td valign="bottom">
| <input type="image" id="next_button"
| name="next_button" src="">
| border="0" alt="Next" ,
| mouseaction_next);" >
| return false;" width="83px" height="27px"
| style="z-index:100">
| </td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| </div>
| </form>
| <div id="div2" style="z-index:2; position:absolute;
| left:43px; top:105px; visibility:visible;">
| <iframe allowtransparency="yes"
| id="userdetailsIframe" name="userdetailsIframe"
| width="670px" height="300px" frameborder="0"
| scrolling="no" src="">
| </div>
| Here is the code contained in the iframe
| (seaarchform.cfm)
| <form name="searchform" action="">
| method="post">
| <div id="search" style="z-index:2; position:absolute;
| left:0px; top:0px; visibility:visible;">
| <table border="0">
| <tr valign="bottom">
| <td colspan="3" align="center">
| <input type="text" name="number" id="number"
| size="30">
| </td>
| </tr>
| <tr>
| <td align="right" valign="top">
| <input type="image" src="">
| border="0" name="search_button" id="search_button"
| alt="Search for calls">
| </td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| </div>
| </form>
| Here is my problem. I input some text in the textfield
| contained in the form 'newcall' and hit the enter key.
| I expect the focus to switch to the image tag
| contained in the form 'next_button', which should then
| call the _javascript_ function and redirect the user to
| userdetails.cfm. This does not happenn.
| However if I input some text in the textfield (number)
| contained within the second form (searchform) and hit
| the enter key, the focus switches to the
| #search_button' image button and I'm directed to the
| search results page.
| I don't know how to get round this problem and would
| really apprecaite if someone could help.
| Best Regards,
| cfcoder
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