Evening all...

I'm having real "issues" installing CFMX on a RedHat 9 box.  I've
installed MX on linux plenty of times before, but this time things just
aren't happening.

For some reason, JRun seems to be taking an absolute age to start up -
in the cfserver.log the "Starting Macromedia Jrun 4..." message comes up
straight off, but it takes about three minutes for the "Unable to open
properties" line, and another three mins after that until the CF
application is actually deployed:

Starting Macromedia JRun 4 (Build 63824), default server
03/22 10:54:28 warning Unable to open
03/22 10:57:39 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2901
Running on JRun4...
Starting ColdFusion services...
- Starting logging...
0 [main] INFO coldfusion.server  - Starting logging...
03/22 10:57:40 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this
server (see jrun-resources.xml)
03/22 10:57:44 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8500
03/22 10:57:45 info Deploying enterprise application "Macromedia
ColdFusion MX" from: file:/opt/coldfusionmx/
03/22 10:57:45 info Deploying web application "ColdFusion Web
Application" from: file:/opt/coldfusionmx/
Server default ready (startup time: 390 seconds)
03/22 10:57:46 info Web Services in coldfusionmx#wwwroot:
03/22 10:57:46 info (No web services found.)
03/22 10:57:46 user JSPServlet: init
03/22 10:57:47 user FlashGateway: init
03/22 10:57:47 user CFCServlet: init

Of course, when I try and start CF I just get a nice row of 12 attempts
to run the apache connecter because JRun hasn't started in time.  If I
wait until after the server has apparently started up and then run the
connector manually (or using cfmx-connecters.sh) then it just sits there
apparently doing nothing for ages again and then comes up with a message
saying it can't connect to the JRun server:

/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/bin/java -jar \
/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws apache \
-dir /etc/httpd/conf -a -bin /usr/sbin/httpd \
-script /etc/init.d/httpd -v

Could not connect to any JRun/ColdFusion servers on host localhost.
Possible causes:
o Server not running
  -Start Macromedia JRun4 or ColdFusion MX server
o Server running
  -JNDI listen port in jndi.properties blocked by TCP/IP filtering or
   on server
  -host restriction in security.properties blocking communication with

Now I have made changes to the security.properties as advised in the
middle of
all_faq.htm because I was getting "attempt to connect to JRun server
from [IP address] host" errors in cfserver.log.  My security.properties
file currently has the following entries:

jrun.trusted.hosts=[my machine's IP]

But even if I state both the above as having a value of * (i.e. no
restrictions) then I still get the same issues.  If I enable the
internal webserver and connect to :8500 then it sits there for a while
then cuts the connection - I'm guessing it's the same problem.

I've now run out of things to try...  Has anyone else got any


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