Thank you.

While this is truly a horrific thing, I have to ask myself "is a cold fusion
technical discussion list the right place to discuss my
feelings/anger/outrage over such an event?"  And then I am forced to answer
myself "No, it is not.", Afterall, I have friends, family, and other
resources available to aide in venting.

I'll be patiently waiting for the list to get back on track.

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 3:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: (Admin) Please move OT to CF-Community

I left the threads on CF-Talk alone so people could let out their feelings
on this a little. It was a tragic event and talking is needed. I think that
the time for leniency for this list has past. Please move the OT topics and
discussions over to CF-Community. Lets try and get back on topic which is
tech. I don't want to seem callous but we've got to get back into focus.

> At a time like this .. on a COLDFUSION technical list, now we have a
> gun control flame war???   It's one thing to express feelings about the
> murder and maimings but flaming each other about how many weapons you
> carry on a plane like a Bruce Willis movie is just disgusting.
> You guys make me feel truly sick.
> Please Michael . can't you put a stop to this lunacy??
> Cheers,
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> AFP WebWorks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:24 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Terrorism
> Paris Lundis wrote:
> > I agree 1000% ... An armed public is a good thing.  Responsible
> > civilians with firearms and trainging to use them with needed will
> > twart most incidents and have been proven to reduce the likelihood of
> > crime...
> I wouldn't directly call suicidal terrorists 'responsible people', yet
> they would be able to get firearms on those planes as well.
> > Afterall, do you think anyone wants to mess with a gun, obviously 255+
> > people on those planes didn't.
> Fire your gun at a few windows and see how many people survive the
> decompression. Of course you get shot very fast after that, but I didn't
> see any last mminute parachutes on the CNN footage either today.
> > People on planes are sitting ducks.
> True.
> IMHO introducing more firearms in airplanes is not unlike Mutual Assured
> Destruction. However, when the concept of MAD was used during the Cold
> War people sitting close to the red button were required to undergo
> psychological testing. Introducing the concept of MAD in an airplane
> without having people undergo psychological testing is MADness.
> Jochem
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